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제1차관, 한영협회 연례만찬(12.11) 축사


Dr. Park Jin, President of the Korea-Britain Society,

Ambassador Wightman,

Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,

        Thank you for inviting me to this lovely event. It's good to be back among old friends. For that's exactly what we are - Korea and Britain - old friends whose friendship stretches back 130 years. Yet, it is also a friendship that's brimming with youthful exuberance.

        It is indeed an honour for me to be involved in various occasions that mark the sheer depth of our friendship. I recall that many of you were present at the luncheon I had the pleasure of hosting on the occasion of the "Korea-UK Forum for the Future" in June. I also took part in the first-ever ROK-UK Strategic Dialogue in November last year while serving as the Deputy Minister. Having taken part in such events, I cannot help but envision a glittering future for the relations between our two countries. 

        Ladies and Gentlemen,

        This has been a truly momentous year. We celebrated the 130th anniversary of diplomatic ties in the most fitting way imaginable as President Park paid a state visit to the United Kingdom. It was indeed a visit that captured everyone's imagination as President Park stood side by side with Her Majesty the Queen, oozing class and sophistication.

        During the visit, ROK-UK Joint Statement was adopted, in which our two countries reaffirmed their determination to deepen the "broad and creative partnership". In addition to political and economic issues, cooperation in the fields of science, technology, culture and global issues among others was diligently mapped out. The grounds for further cooperation have been well and truly laid.      

        There was one particularly momentous occasion that  revealed the essence of our friendship - the Ground Breaking Ceremony for the new Korean War Memorial. In the aftermath of the Second World War, around 56,000 British men and women came to Korea to fight on behalf of freedom and democracy. As Foreign Office Minister Hugo Swire rightly pointed out at the ceremony, Britain's contribution in Korea's hour of dire need will never be forgotten. The Memorial will serve as a permanent reminder of the sacrifices made during the war, and as a place where veterans and future generations can go to remember what they achieved.

        Tremendous potential exists in our economic relations too. United Kingdom stands as Korea's second largest trade partner in Europe, with the trade volume exceeding 11 billion dollars in 2012. I have every confidence that we will achieve the goal of doubling the volume of bilateral trade and foreign direct investment by 2020 as set out in the recent summit meeting.   

        In particular, we are looking forward to enhancing our partnership in the area of creative economy. Korea has a lot to learn from Britain - a renowned pioneer in creative industries. Brilliant ideas can be harnessed to provide a new engine that will power the next stage of our economic cooperation.   

        Ladies and Gentlemen,

        As I look back on the road we have trodden together, I am filled with great satisfaction and renewed hope for what the future has in store for us. Though one dare not attempt to predict the future, one thing seems certain enough : that the strides we will continue to make together will be big. Huge strides that will lift plenty of people and benefit plenty of nations along the way.

        Let me close my remarks by borrowing from Shakespeare, "The golden age is before us, not behind us." Full steam ahead to the ROK-UK golden age! Thank you.


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