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제1차관, 코리아 타임즈 주최 외교단 테니스 대회 축사(5.31)


 5.31 코리아 타임즈 주최 외교단 테니스 대회

Thank you.
Excellencies, families and friends,

Good morning,

It’s wonderful to be here and thank you for inviting me. On behalf of the Ministry and Minister Yoon, I’d like to congratulate the Korea Times as they hold this event for 10th consecutive year. We appreciate all the work that goes into organizing such an event. Thanks you.

Taking this opportunity, I’d like to pay tribute to the Korea Times not only for hosting this magnificent event but also having been with us for the last 64 years. Founded in 1950 at the time of the war, the Korea Times, the oldest English daily in this country helped bring the world to Korean people. The Korea Times also served as a window on Korea, a clear, transparent, undistorted window, to the diplomatic community for the last six decades or so. In this regard, I believe the Korea Times deserves full praise from all of us.

I was actually handed a very formal speech written by our staff at the Ministry. I had something to do with the game of tennis, diplomacy and world peace.

Well, I think today we can put formalities and protocols aside. Let’s not think of diplomacy for one day. Let’s just concentrate on playing hard and winning.

Today is a day for being carefree and young at the heart – even if you knees say otherwise. I hope you enjoy the game, the weather and the companionship of good friends.

Thank you.

만족도 조사 열람하신 정보에 대해 만족하십니까?