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제1차관, 비탈리펜 주한 우즈벡대사 이임 환송사(8.16)


Remarks by H.E. Kim Kyou-hyun
Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs

Farewell Reception for H.E. Vitali Fen,
the Ambassador of the Republic of Uzbekistan to
the Republic of Korea
August 16, 2013, Lotte Hotel

His Excellency Vitali Fen, Dean of the Diplomatic Corps in Seoul,
Excellencies, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,

I feel great joy as well as a tinge of sadness as we are gathered here to bid farewell to Ambassador Fen after no less than 18 years of sterling service here in Seoul.

As is widely known, Ambassador Fen has led the「Ambassdors in love with Korea」Club (‘한사모’) with great passion, almost acting as a Korean ambassador in zealously spreading Korean culture and values to a wider audience.

Ambassador Fen's love affair with Korea stretches back a long, long time. He first came to Seoul as the deputy chief of the Uzbek delegation participating in the 1988 Seoul Olympics. He has been an ever-present in the Diplomatic Corps after being appointed first as Charge d'affaires and later on as Ambassador of Uzbekistan in 1995, and has served the role of Dean with such distinction since 2007.
Just to give you a sense of his longevity, he has outlasted 4 Presidents and 12 Foreign Ministers during his time in Seoul. 
While it is indeed rare to see a diplomat staying in the same post for such a long time, it is rarer still to find someone as passionate and competent as Ambassador Fen. In that sense, Korea has been truly fortunate to have him as our trusted partner in advancing Korea-Uzbekistan relations.

Ever since establishing diplomatic relations in 1992, Korea and Uzbekistan have witnessed a quantum leap in our bilateral relations. In particular, we have struck up a 'Strategic Partnership' in 2006 and oversaw a flurry of exchange visits between our Presidents in recent years.

Today, Uzbekistan is not only our largest trade partner in Central Asia, but also a vital partner in numerous economic projects of considerable magnitude. Needless to say, Ambassador Fen has been behind it all, diligently playing the role of a bridge that pulls our two countries ever closer. 

I heard that there is a saying in Uzbekistan that "a person who can win the trust of one person can win the trust of a thousand persons." It is a theme also endorsed by the Park Geun-hye government in the name of Trustpolitik, and I cannot think of anyone who better personifies the essence of the phrase than Ambassador Fen. The dedication and selflessness that he has displayed throughout his service in Seoul has been a fine example for us all. 
Ladies and Gentlemen,
As I draw my remarks to a close, I must confess that I have a slight worry. Once Ambassador Fen returns to Tashkent, he might have to bear the brunt of disgruntled colleagues pointing fingers at him for depriving them the chance to serve in Seoul. But then again, who can blame him for staying as long as he possibly could in this beautiful country? There is no doubt that both Korea and Uzbekistan have been the richer for his excursions in Seoul.  

Finally, a personal word of farewell for Ambassador Fen : "Fabula est vestri" which means "The story is yours".

And what a story it has been, a story of friendship and prosperity that we will continue to author together long into the future.

Ambassador Fen, I would like to thank you on behalf of my government for the starring role that you have played to perfection in this wonderful story. We will never forget you.
Thank you.                                     

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