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제2차관, 한미협회 조찬 연설(2.19)


Chairman Han Sung-Joo, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is my great honor to speak before all of you dedicated to the deepening of the mutual understanding and friendship between the Republic of Korea and the United States.

The year 2013 marks the 60th anniversary of the Korean War Armistice and the 60th anniversary of the ROK-US alliance. I think this is a good opportunity to ponder over the future direction of our alliance.

In this context, I would first like to touch upon some accomplishments of this government, and then move to point out several factors that should be taken into account in the development of our comprehensive strategic alliance.

The next government can build upon the achievements of the Lee Myung-Bak government with a view to further advancing toward the comprehensive alliance for the 21st century.

Few can deny that our bilateral relations have thrived more than ever for the last 5 years.

This would not have been possible without efforts by this government which set the ROK-U.S. relations as the backbone of its foreign policy.

Another element which has played an important role in achieving the thriving ties between the ROK and the US is the friendship between the leaders of the two countries.

As you are well aware, the friendship between the two presidents was not a small part in forging the current strong bonds.

Five years ago, the two allies embarked upon strengthening cooperative partnership in a whole range of areas such as political, security, economic and social fields.

Based on shared values, our two countries have laid a foundation for the comprehensive strategic alliance.

Above all, we have achieved excellent bilateral coordination on North Korean policy in the face of the nuclear challenge.

In addition, we have witnessed significant accomplishments in the security areas such as;

the SMA (Special Measures Agreement) for Defense Burden-sharing,

the participation in the PSI (Proliferation Security Initiative),

the rescheduling of the OPCON(wartime operational control) transfer,

the New Missile Guidelines,

the Joint Vision for the Alliance,

the launch of the Meeting of Foreign and Defense ministers
(“two plus two”),

and the extended deterrence against North Korea.

In particular, with the entry into force of the KORUS FTA, our bilateral ties have evolved into a strategic alliance of two pillars – both the security and the economic fields.

The scope of cooperation has also been expanded to science and technology, green growth and education such as the WEST(Work, English, Study and Travel) Program.

Our two countries have exerted concerted efforts for peace and stability in the international community.

In particular, our joint efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan made a significant contribution to deepening of our mutual trust.

The scope of our cooperation does not fall short of responding to global challenges but extends to proactively shaping international norms, as demonstrated by the hosting of the G20 Summit and Nuclear Security Summit.

Distinguished Guests,

Now, at the dawn of a new administration, I would like to point out several factors that should be taken into account in the future development of our alliance.

(Threat from North Korea and the ROK-U.S. Alliance)

First, there is no denying that the ROK-U.S. Alliance is mainly for the ‘security of the Korean Peninsula’.

However, there is a growing concern that the WMD threat from North Korea, demonstrated by the recent nuclear test, poses a threat to the U.S as well.

Our joint defense capability is thus a fundamental element of our alliance.
Together with strengthened comprehensive capability, the close bilateral coordination on North Korean policy should be continued.

The planned transition of wartime OPCON (operational control) and the new command structure after the CFC (Combined Forces Command) should focus on effective deterrence and defense capability against North Korea.

In addition, there must be no daylight between our policies toward North Korea, as we exert concerted efforts for the resolution of the North Korean nuclear issue as well as for the improvement of inter-Korean relations.

(The rise of China and the Alliance)

Second, we should continue to further develop the comprehensive strategic alliance while fully recognizing that the ROK-US alliance is a solid foundation for our diplomacy.

Within Korea, some claim that in light of the developing ROK-China relationship and the rise of China, there is a need for balancing between China and the U.S.

However, it is this alliance that made the ROK what it is today, a safe and prosperous nation.

The ROK-U.S. relations and the ROK-China relations are not incompatible.

Rather, our multi-dimensional alliance with the U.S. and the strategic partnership with China can both thrive.

In this regard, our government spared no effort to strengthen not only the ROK-U.S. relations but also the ROK-China relations during the last five years.

(Global issues and the Alliance)

Third, the scope of alliance should be broadened to contribute to the global peace and prosperity, thereby winning the greater support of the peoples all over the world.

To this end, we need to continue to work together to address challenges in human rights, poverty, non-proliferation and the environmental areas at the national, regional and global levels.

The ‘Global Korea’ initiative of this administration reflects Korea’s commitment to more active role in the global issues.

It is really encouraging to see the incoming administration take the path of Global Korea.

(New administration and the Alliance)

Fourth, in order to get off to a good start in the bilateral relations this year, we need to resolve the pressing issues such as the revision of the ROK-U.S. Atomic Energy Agreement and negotiations on the Special Measures Agreement (SMA) for Defense Burden-sharing in a mutually beneficial way.

Successful resolution of these issues will be a clear demonstration of the unwavering alliance in the Korean Peninsula and beyond.

Furthermore, Korea-specific allocations for professional visa and vigorous people-to-people exchanges including young people will promote mutual understanding by serving as a basis for our alliance.

(Public Diplomacy and the Alliance)

Lastly, I would like to underscore the importance of public diplomacy for the development of the ROK-U.S. alliance.

We all need to make efforts to deepen appreciation amongst people in both countries that the ROK-U.S. alliance is an indispensable mechanism for cooperation.

I believe that even with the changes in government leadership, the work conducted in the private sector can be the foundational stone that holds the two countries together.

Indeed, The Korean-American Association is an excellent example of a non-governmental institution that has played a vital role in this regard.

Your invaluable efforts laid a solid foundation for the present ROK-U.S. relations and will also continue to underpin the sustainable development of our alliance.

In conclusion, as former U.S. President Bill Clinton emphasized, "The ROK-U.S. relationship has made the Asia-Pacific region more secure, more prosperous, and more free."

On the basis of shared allegiance to democracy and market economy, the ROK and the United States should craft a mature relationship to meet the changing requirements of the 21st century.

Uncertain regional and global dynamics requires a more active approach to create the future of our alliance. Especially, we need to come up with a concrete vision for the alliance to prepare for the reunification of the Korean peninsula.

I would like to express once again my sincere gratitude to Chairman Han Sung-Joo and all the staffs of the Korean-American Association for all their hard work in hosting this occasion.

Thank you.

외교통상부 이(가) 창작한 한미협회 조찬 연설 저작물은 "공공누리" 출처표시-상업적이용금지-변경금지 조건에 따라 이용 할 수 있습니다.
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