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제2차관, 2012 서울 핵안보 심포지엄 오찬 연설



[핵안보정상회의 개최 의미 및 전망]
핵테러는 한 국가에 국한해서 영향을 미치는 것이 아니기 때문에 전 세계를 대상으로 한 공감대와 방지조치가 필요함. 하지만 일반대중에게는 선뜻 그 중요성이 쉽게 인식되고 있지 못한 것이 현실임. 따라서 전 세계 지도자들이 한 곳에 모여, 핵안보의 중요성 및 공동의 대응방안 등을 논의하는 핵안보정상회의는 그 의미와 파급 영향력이 매우 크다고 볼 수 있음.

이번 서울 핵안보정상회의는 2년 전 개최되었던 1차 워싱턴 핵안보정상회의의 성과를 평가하고, 이를 바탕으로 핵테러를 방지하기 위한 실천조치들을 더 구체화하고 진일보 시키는 계기가 될 것임. 동시에 후쿠시마 원전 사고로 부각되고 있는 원자력 안전 문제를 핵안보의 맥락에서 논의할 예정이며, 가능성이 점차 커지고 있는 방사능 테러 문제도 다룰 예정임. 또한 핵안보 조치 강화를 위해서 많은 참가국들이 핵안보 진전조치 성과물(House Gift 및 Gift Basket)을 자발적으로 발표할 것으로 기대함. 

[핵안보전문가 그룹의 기여와 역할]
핵안보 전문가들의 정책적/기술적 지원과 창의적이고 다양한 문제제기는 핵안보 진전을 위한 실질적 성과를 더욱 크게 하는 역할을 하고 있음. 한 예로 핵안보 중요이슈의 하나인 민수용 고위험 핵물질(HEU, Pu)의 최소화 노력은 핵안보 전문가들의 전환 및 제거기술(남아공의 LEU 타겟을 이용한 의료용 RI 생산기술, 한국의 고밀도 LEU 핵연료 분말 제조기술 등)을 통해 많은 진전을 가져왔음. 이외 핵안보 문화, 정보보안, 핵탐지 등의 분야도 각국 전문가들의 정책적/기술적 노력을 통해 성과를 거두고 있음.

정책결정자들은 국가의 입장, 당시의 처한 상황 등에 따라, 선택의 제한이 있을 수 있지만, 핵안보 전문가 여러분들은 자유롭고 창의적인 사고를 바탕으로 다양한 건설적인 의견을 제시해 주실 수 있음. 핵안보 진전을 위한 활동에 더욱 노력하여 주시기 바람. 서울 코뮤니케에 학계, NGO 등이 핵안보의 책임 있는 stakeholder로 논의에 동참해야 한다는 점을 포함시킨 것도 바로 이러한 기대 때문임.

아직 핵안보 조치의 기본책임이 개별국가에 있고, 현재 불이행 및 위반국가에 대한 국제적 강제수단이 미비하다는 한계가 있는 것도 사실이나, 핵안보의 국제적 공감대가 더욱 확산되고, 이에 따라 적시에 맞는 전문가들의 정책적, 기술적 지원이 이루어진다면, 핵테러 방지를 위한 진보가 가능해질 것임.

[북한 핵문제와 실용위성 발사]
북한의 이른바 ‘실용위성’ 발사 계획에 두려 깊은 우려를 표명함. 북한이 과거 행태(위성을 핑계로 탄도 미사일 실험을 하는)에 미루어 볼 때 우리는 이를 탄도 미사일 시험 발사로 간주하며, 명백히 유엔 안보리 결의 1874 위반임. 북한이 핵을 포기할 때만이 평화적 목적의 위성 발사라는 순수한 의도가 받아들여질 것임. (끝)

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------(영문 연설문) 

Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,

I would like to begin by speaking for everyone in expressing our thanks to the Korea Institute of Nuclear Nonproliferation and Control and the Korea National Diplomatic Academy for all their hard work in organizing this Seoul Nuclear Security Symposium.

It is both an honor and a pleasure to speak at this luncheon in the presence of an array of eminent experts in the field of nuclear security, with the 2012 Seoul Nuclear Security Summit just days away.

Taking this opportunity, I would like to briefly share with you some reflections on the meaning of the Seoul Summit and the arrangements which have been made to prepare for it, as well as emphasize the role you, the expert community, can play in this very important process.

There is no need for me to go into an explanation of why nuclear security is important and how it came to be the focus of discussions in global security. The threat of nuclear terrorism is very real and warrants the utmost vigilance to prevent the smallest possibility of it occurring.

In fact, recent polls show that more than 30% of the people of Korea think that there is a possibility that a nuclear terrorist attack could happen. Even as we speak, a potential terrorist could be plotting an illegal act in any vulnerable region of the world.

Whereas nuclear experts are well aware of the fact that nuclear terrorism, the consequences of which are global, calls for preventive measures and strong international cooperation, convincing the public of the importance of nuclear security is a critical task we face.

Against this background, what the Nuclear Security Summit can do is send a strong message on the importance of preventing nuclear terrorism by bringing world leaders together to discuss joint measures to enhance nuclear security.

The Republic of Korea will successfully play the role of host and chair based on its ability to operate nuclear power plants to the highest standards, experience of hosting numerous international conferences, and diplomatic capability to embrace a diversity of views and play a facilitating role in the reaching of agreement between countries.

The hosting of the Seoul Nuclear Security Summit, I believe, is a reflection of the recognition in the international community of Korea’s strong commitment to the principles of nuclear security and nuclear nonproliferation, as well as its record of the safe operation of nuclear power plants. Following upon the success of the G20 Summit, the Korean Government, as host of the second Nuclear Security Summit, will continue to play a valuable part in addressing key global challenges.

The Seoul Summit, which is to be held next Monday and Tuesday, will be attended by a total of 58 world leaders. This includes the 47 countries plus the UN, IAEA and EU which attended the 2010 Washington Summit, as well as six additional countries and INTERPOL.

The preparations for the Summit are now in the very final stage. Sherpas should be closing the discussions on the Seoul Communiqué at the final Sherpa Meeting being held today; we are receiving voluntary progress reports from participants on measures they have adopted since the Washington Summit; and Leaders will be arriving in Seoul to attend the Summit starting tomorrow.

Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,

The Seoul Nuclear Security Summit will review the progress made since the Washington Summit and formulate a practical vision for the implementation of key nuclear security objectives. Further to strengthening the existing architecture, the Seoul Summit, reflecting recent developments such as the Fukushima nuclear accident last March, shall incorporate into the agenda the interface between nuclear safety and security, as well as the issue of radiological terrorism. In addition, we expect participating countries to announce voluntary measures to enhance nuclear security, also known as 'house gifts' or 'gift baskets.’

In the past, nuclear security was considered an issue to be dealt with at the national level by individual countries. The Washington Summit, on the other hand, succeeded in bringing world leaders to a common understanding that close international cooperation is essential to prevent the common threat of nuclear terrorism. In the process, the expert community played an important role in securing substantial progress in nuclear security by providing policy and technical counsel and raising creative challenges.

To give one example, experts were able to significantly contribute to making progress in one of the key nuclear security objectives, namely the minimization of use of civilian nuclear materials such as HEU and plutonium, by developing technologies to convert HEU fuels to LEU fuels. They include the technology to produce medical isotopes using LEU targets developed by South Africa, or the technology to produce high-density LEU fuel powder developed by the Republic of Korea. Furthermore, experts around the world are playing an integral role in advancing the nuclear security culture, enhancing nuclear information security, and building nuclear detection capabilities.

The array of ideas, suggestions, and research from nuclear security experts serve as a valuable asset for policymakers in benefiting from professional knowledge and formulating realistic policies and a long-term vision. The topic of today's Symposium, "Innovating Global Nuclear Security Governance," is, I believe, in that sense very appropriate. I look forward to fruitful deliberations today that will further stimulate the long-term efforts to strengthen global nuclear security.

Whereas policymakers may be constrained in what they can do in light of the government's position and other political and social factors, you, as independent experts, are free to put forward creative and constructive ideas. That is exactly why the Seoul Communiqué encourages academia, NGOs, and other expert communities to participate as responsible stakeholders in the discussions on nuclear security.

Clearly, the primary responsibility for maintaining an effective nuclear security regime still lies with individual states, and it is true that we lack the means to compel states to take further measures.

However, with more countries coming to an understanding on the importance of enhancing nuclear security, timely support from the expert community will indeed be of even greater value in making substantial progress.

The suggestions put forward by experts in the field of nuclear security on various occasions, such as through seminars and articles, have proved to be of great value in preparing for the 2012 Seoul Nuclear Security Summit.

We deeply appreciate the insights provided in all areas such as the minimization of HEU and plutonium; management of nuclear and radiological materials; synergy between nuclear security and nuclear safety; nuclear smuggling; transportation security; nuclear security culture; and securing sensitive information.

With such an impressive group of leading nuclear security experts gathered here today, I trust that this Seoul Nuclear Security Symposium will indeed provide an excellent opportunity for you to debate and freely share ideas with colleagues from all around the world.

It is also my sincere hope that a gathering of this kind will continue to be held on a regular basis to keep the momentum forward for the strengthening of nuclear security.

Finally, I express my deep concern regarding North Korea's plan to launch an "application satellite." North Korea's past conduct of developing a nuclear program leaves no doubt as to the nature of the satellite launch. We regard it as a ballistic missile test, which is a clear violation of the UN Security Council Resolution 1874.

Only when North Korea gives up its nuclear weapons program can its satellite launch be accepted by the international society as having a peaceful intention.

With that, I should like to conclude by wishing you a very successful conference as well as a pleasant and enjoyable stay in Seoul. Thank you.


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