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제1차관, 미 평화봉사단 재방한 축사(7.14)


Returning Peace Corps Volunteers to Korea, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,

Let me first extend my heartfelt welcome to all of you Peace Corps Volunteers.

I would also like to thank Korea Foundation for all its efforts to make this revisit program possible and all the attending college students and organization members who support Korea-U.S. friendship.

It is particularly meaningful to have Korea's true friends here with us tonight as this year marks the 50th anniversary of the foundation of Peace Corps and the 45th since the launch of your first service in Korea.

From 1966 to 1981, more than two thousand American young men and women volunteered to come to Korea to extend helping hands to Korean friends in need.

We cannot emphasize too much that Korea owes much of its economic development and democratic growth to your devotion and affection toward Korea.

You served in various schools all over the country as English teachers.

You helped farmers improve their methods of growing agricultural products.

Your medical services were also significant as Korea did not have many hospitals available back then. Above all, you laid down a firm foundation for strong bonds between our two countries through people-to-people diplomacy.

Peace Corps Volunteers,

It is no exaggeration that the Korea-U.S. relationship cannot be what it is today without your love and dedication to the Korean people.

Thanks to your efforts, Korea-U.S. relations have further developed into one of the most successful post-war alliances.

The Korea-U.S. alliance, having served as a solid security linchpin on the Korean Peninsula, is now developing into a future-oriented strategic alliance of bilateral, regional and global scope, as was declared by the presidents of our two countries through "The Joint Vision for the Alliance" in 2009.

Moreover, the upcoming ratification of KORUS FTA will further strengthen our close relationship. We expect it to work as a driving force to deepen our cooperation and exchanges.

It is a source of pride to me that Korea has become a "donor" of international aid from a "recipient" over the past few decades.

Korea has sent abroad more than seven thousand four hundred(7,400) Korea Overseas Volunteers, a young group of volunteers formed by KOICA, since 1990.

Korea is also increasing official and private development assistance to the countries in need.

I am told that you are meeting with Korean volunteers tomorrow.

Those young dedicated volunteers will greatly appreciate and heed your rich experience and insightful advice.

Passion of the young and wisdom of the elderly, when combined together, will bring about great success.

I hope your visit to Korea this time will give you a chance to bring back all the good old memories, as well as a chance to make new ones. I also believe that this will be a great opportunity for you to witness the development of Korea and realize the value of your work.

Once again, I would like to welcome all of you and hope you have a wonderful and memorable stay in Korea.

Thank you. 감사합니다.  /끝/

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