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제1차 국제재생에너지기구(IRENA) 기조연설


H.E. Min Dong-seok
Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade 
Republic of Korea

The First Session of the Assembly of
the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)
in Abu Dhabi, UAE

4 April 2011

Your Excellency Dr. Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber, President of the Assembly
Distinguished Delegates, Ladies and Gentlemen,

I wish to begin by expressing my deep condolences to all the victims and bereaved family members following the devastating earthquake and tsunami which stroke Japan. As Chief of the Task Force in the Korea Government I would like to once again reaffirm my government’s unwavering pledge to render all possible assistance to Japan for an early recovery from this tragic incident.

On behalf of the Korean Government, I offer my heartfelt congratulations on the successful launch of the IRENA under the outstanding leadership and vision of the government of the United Arab Emirates.
I would also like to express my sincere congratulations to Dr. Adnan Amin on his appointment as Director-General of the IRENA Secretariat.

Yesterday on my way here, I had the chance to visit Masdar City: the Global Centre of Future Energy. I was indeed deeply impressed to see the total transformation of this city from a natural resource-based economy into a Carbon-Neutral Zero-Waste city - which is unprecedented in the world.

Masdar City is now an emerging clean technology hub that positions companies at the heart of this global industry. This is a low-carbon, renewable energy-powered city that not only is pioneering best practices in sustainable urban planning, design and development but indeed embodies Abu Dhabi’s commitment to a sustainable future.

Abu Dhabi has traditionally played a leading role in global energy markets as an important hydrocarbon producer. And through Masdar, Abu Dhabi aspires to fully emerge as a global hub for renewable energy.  This is indeed inspiring.

The Korean people do indeed deeply admire the visionary leadership displayed by His Highness Sheikh Khalifa Al Nahyan in making Abu Dhabi a preeminent centre for expertise in, the development of and the actual implementation of renewable energy and a world benchmark for sustainable development.

The UAE and Korea are united in sharing such a vision. The Korean Government has embraced ‘Low Carbon Green Growth” as a key motto. It encapsulates our determination to turn away from energy-intensive economic growth to embrace green growth.

The Global Green Growth Institute(GGGI) which was established in June of last year in Seoul signed an MOU for Cooperation with the UAE Government last March for the provision of policy advice and technical expertise to developing countries worldwide to assist in their endeavors to make the transition from a traditional, fossil fuel-dependent economy to a green economy.

The GGGI will establish a regional office in the UAE either in or within close proximity to Masdar City. The GGGI regional office in the UAE will contribute significantly to the implementation of projects for cooperation between the GGGI, the Government of the UAE, the Masdar Institute, IRENA and other relevant stakeholders.  Moreover, it will also promote the development of public-private partnerships and capacity-building programs for local and regional actors.

In the face of the impending exhaustion of fossil fuels and the threat posed by consequent climate change, humankind is facing an urgent call for a paradigm shift from a traditional, fossil fuel-dependent economy to a green economy as we embrace the pursuit of renewable energy.

We face the imperative task of transforming the energy sector within the first half of this century.  The world renowned economist Sir Nicholas Stern has said that if we act now the cost will only be 1 percent of GDP each year. But delaying action could result in a cost of as much as 20 percent of GDP.

The use of renewable energy is not an option. It is an absolute must. All countries should implement country-specific policies or measures for scaling up renewable energies.

The active development of fossil fuel intensive industries has provided the basis for the economic growth which Korea has achieved since the 1960s. As the 11th largest energy consumer in the world, Korea has now successfully turned to renewable energy resources to ensure green growth.

In recognition of the Korean Government’s exemplary efforts to promote green growth, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) selected Korea’s green growth plan as a best practice case study. Indeed, there has been wide recognition of such efforts at the international level, as clearly demonstrated by the 66th Session of UN ESCAP’s adoption of the “Incheon Declaration” which includes Korea’s national strategy for low carbon green growth.

Furthermore, as part of the efforts to move towards a green economy, Korea has initiated an “East Asia Climate Partnership”, providing 200 million US dollars for capacity building in developing countries in the Asia-Pacific region for the period of 2008-2012.

Korea has made its fair share of contributions to IRENA on a voluntary basis and has provided experts and staff to the Secretariat. Moreover, Korea has actively engaged in the activities of IRENA in such ways as serving as Chair of the Committee for the Selection of the Interim Headquarters and Vice Chair of the Preparatory Commission.

Furthermore, the “IRENA-Korea Joint Workshop on Asia-Pacific Renewable Energy Policy”, which was held in Seoul last October played a pivotal role in fostering networking among all the participants. 

The Korean Government will strive to contribute even more fully to IRENA.  Moreover, Korea shall exert sincere efforts to foster and develop trilateral cooperation among Korea, the UAE and IRENA.

Mr. President, Distinguished Delegates, Ladies and Gentlemen,

Global challenges call for global solutions. IRENA shall play a pivotal role in coping with the global issues of climate change and energy crisis. IRENA’s active engagement under the excellent leadership of the new Director General for Regional and Global Cooperation will be of great value in realizing the great potential for the development of renewable energy.

IRENA brings together 149 countries.  As the very first and largest international organization it is envisaged that it will serve as a “global umbrella” in the international community. As such I believe that we are all pioneers in writing a new and crucial chapter in human history as we play a valuable part in ushering in the era of renewable energy.

Korea is fully committed to contributing to the activities of IRENA. I look forward to us deepening our bonds of cooperation on this occasion as we work together to embark on the wisest path towards a bright and thriving future for humankind.                                                    /End/

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