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동아시아 기후포럼 2010 리셉션 축사


동아시아 기후포럼 2010 리셉션 축사

2010.6.16(수) 18:30, 신라호텔 에메랄드룸
신각수 제1차관

  Distinguished Delegates,
  Ladies and Gentlemen,

  I would like to extend a warm welcome to all of you to the "East Asia Climate Forum 2010". It is a distinct honor for me to be here on this meaningful occasion with you to celebrate the launch of the GGGI - the Global Green Growth Institute.

  Last year, the first East Asia Climate Forum offered an excellent opportunity for us to engage in a valuable exchange of views on such issues as greenhouse gas emissions reductions and green growth in the Asian region. At this year's forum we have reaffirmed our determination to achieve green growth. I believe that we are united in the shared hopes that the GGGI will indeed contribute greatly to the efforts to achieve the goal of quality-based low-carbon growth in East Asia in the years ahead. Knowing that you have already engaged in extensive discussions, I have no intention to go back over what has already been covered in today's sessions. Rather, I would like to take this chance to emphasize the importance of your role when it comes to the GGGI : the task of bringing impetus into the work of the GGGI - one that rests in your hands.

  Ladies and Gentlemen,
  The primary function of the GGGI is to render support for green growth in countries around the region. In order for the GGGI to successfully fulfill its function, it is crucial that the results of its research be reflected in the national policy of countries. However, implementing new policies is no easy matter and calls for devoted and determined efforts of government officials. Therefore, your full support will make all the difference in turning our aspirations into reality.
  Secondly, green growth is not simply a matter of technology. Green growth is a new paradigm which calls for a shift in people’s mindsets and our lifestyles. Such a transition to a green growth economy system from the fossil fuel is the ultimate goal of the GGGI. Yet for this to happen, the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions should be a top priority. I believe that it is only if we change our way of thinking and way of living that we shall truly accomplish green growth.

  Lastly, the GGGI is both a partner and a network. It is not simply a network between research institutions, but a network for the sharing of general comprehensive policies on greenhouse gas emissions reduction. This is where you all have a central role to play. It is only with your cooperation and full support that a roadmap can be drawn up which reflects the situation in each country. Once you fully welcome the GGGI as a partner, then and only then the GGGI can truly act as a companion in the quest to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and achieve green growth in your countries.

  Distinguished Guests,
  Ladies and Gentlemen,

  The aim of the GGGI is not simply to conduct research on green growth methodologies. The work of the institute is closely interlinked with policies and practices. As I have already mentioned, the GGGI will be fully playing its role only when national policies of each country reflect the GGGI's recommendations on greenhouse gas emissions reductions and green growth. That shows each and every one of you have a vital role to play in this regard - indeed your role will be key in the successful functioning of the institute.

  Now, I would like to propose a toast to the launch of the GGGI and its future activities, and to the successful attainment of green growth in the Asian region.

  Cheers!  /End/

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