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제7차 한-SICA 대화협의체 회의 공식 오찬사


Welcome Remarks At the Official Luncheon

(November 24, 2006)

Your Excellencies,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

   I am very delighted to host this luncheon with our SICA partners after holding very fruitful discussions this morning. I should like to express my gratitude to the Vice Ministers and all other delegations for attending this luncheon.

   Let me begin by stating clearly Korea's position on remaining firmly committed to strengthening and expanding the historic, political and economic cooperation that we have long enjoyed with SICA, both on the basis of regional and bilateral relations.

   I do believe that no elaborate explanation is needed to emphasize the significance of our dialogue. The main objective of this dialogue is to sustain the momentum of substantial progress that is occurring in the various fields of cooperation between our two Sides, which is, indeed, essential for us to be able to move forward in our relationship.

   I believe there are two clear messages that we should consider.

   First of all, we both share the need to deepen inter-regional integration. It is becoming necessary for countries to be a part of regional and inter-regional integration to become active and influential partners rather than dependant spectators of the world's political, economic and social developments. Therefore, Korea is ready to cooperate with SICA member countries to meet the challenges of the world as partners.

   Secondly, we must work together to speed up the process of developing efficiency in our relationship. Korea is currently undergoing a very demanding process of reform as we hope to deliver our development cooperation more fairly and efficiently to our partner countries.

   However, for us to achieve this goal, we need speedy and efficient reactions from our partner countries. In this respect, we ask SICA member countries to consolidate their views and integrate their ideas into one goal. This is crucial to putting our political commitments into concrete actions and advancing our partnership to the next level.

Your Excellencies,

   Central America is and will remain a vital economic and political partner in its own right. Korea and Central America, though distances apart, share many similarities. We share history and common values. We have respect for each other.

   We are active in trade and investment in each other's markets. And, last but not least, we are committed to working together in international institutions to find effective multilateral solutions to global problems, including those issues that affect poorer and weaker countries.

   Korea sees great potential in Central America's future, and is determined to assist in consolidating the economic and political achievements that the region has already realized, as well as to achieve more equitable development and sustainable growth in the future.

   And we will do so not only by deepening our political dialogue, and strengthening our trade relations and cooperation but also by fostering further relations and understanding between the peoples of Central America and Korea.

   In conclusion, I would like to propose a toast: to the prosperity of SICA member countries and to the everlasting friendship between Korea and SICA.






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