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2차관, FEALAC 외교장관회의(2019.11.9) 세션1 발언문


Remarks by H.E. Amb. Lee Taeho

Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs

at the First Session of the 9th FEALAC Foreign Ministers’ Meeting

Santo Domingo, November 9, 2019


Thank you, Mr. Co-Chair.


First of all, I would like to begin by expressing my deep appreciation to the Government of the Dominican Republic for the excellent arrangements made for this meeting and the heartwarming hospitalities extended to my delegation and others.


This year, we celebrate FEALAC’s 20th anniversary. Since its inception in 1999 we have embraced a shared dream of bringing East Asia and Latin America closer together. Thanks to the invaluable role played by those who initiated this forum, FEALAC has continued to play a unique role as the only multilateral platform for fostering close ties between our two regions. The forum now spans a broader range of areas of cooperation, encompassing culture, sports, education and sustainable development.


Over the past two decades, FEALAC has traveled a slow yet steady trajectory towards the full realization of its vast potential. At our first Foreign Ministers’ Meeting in 2001, two years after the launch of the forum, we institutionalized the basic framework for the forum, ranging from its principles to the working modalities. A decade later, in 2011, we brought together the Vision Group, in which experts from all around the world in various fields shaped a clear vision for the future of the forum. A Cyber Secretariat was also established in that year. And notably, two years ago in Busan, we agreed to the new roadmap for the shaping of a forum which is even more active and even more thriving. This took the form of the creation of the first-ever FEALAC Trust Fund and the adoption of the New Action Plan.


As a country which initiated the FEALAC Trust Fund and the New FEALAC Action Plan, Korea is ready and willing to play a facilitating role in their implementation. In tune with this, Korea garnered the Fund members’ opinions and proposed measures for further improvement towards expanding the authority of member countries and promoting their greater participation in the operation of the Fund.


I am pleased to take this opportunity to announce that Korea plans to contribute an additional one million dollars to the FEALAC Fund – bringing the total amount it has provided to the Fund to a figure of three million dollars. I look forward to even more active discussions among members on ways to expand the Fund and develop projects which really encapsulate what FEALAC is about.


Mr. Co-Chair,

As we mark the 20th anniversary, I believe that the time is ripe for us to do some collective soul-searching regarding the future of the forum. I am convinced that we need to give serious thought to the matter of convening a FEALAC Special Commemorative Summit with the participation of the heads of state sometime on the path ahead. A summit meeting would indeed serve as concrete manifestation of our deep shared commitment. It would also help greatly enhance FEALAC’s profile and visibility. In this regard, I propose that, as a preparatory process, the Troika members take the initiative to embark on active discussion on the matter of holding a summit meeting. To those ends, we could make use of the upcoming FEALAC meetings for in-depth deliberations among the Troika members. And we may wish to seek to reach agreement in principle on those matters at next year’s Troika Foreign Ministers’ Meeting. Obviously, such approaches will be possible only once there is consensus amongst the members.  


Furthermore, we could consider making full use of the Business Forum as a key mechanism for deepening connectivity. The Innovative Business Forum held yesterday, bringing together potential investors and government officials from all around the world, proved itself to be a useful inter-regional platform that does indeed well promote economic connectivity. As a next step for further institutionalization, recalling the suggestion made at the 2nd Business Forum held in Bangkok five years ago, there is a need to embark on the discussions on establishing a Steering Committee that would consist of 4-5 members.


Mr. Co-chair,

FEALAC offers tremendous potential – potential for deepening cooperation between East Asia and Latin America. Yet to translate this potential into reality, we need to take concrete actions – small but steady steps. I propose that, as our predecessors did for us two decades ago, we take bold steps together to set FEALAC on the right course for generations to come. Thank you.   /End/

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