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제1차 한-ASEAN 협력포럼 개회사


-Opening remarks-



His Excellency Defense Minister Mr. Juwono Sudarsono, Dr. Hadi Soesastro, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentleman. Thank you and good morning.


I'm greatly honoured to hold the First Korea-ASEAN Forum, jointly with the Korea Foundation and Indonesia's CSIS.


I would like to welcome each of you to the Forum.


Korea-ASEAN relations


ASEAN and Korea have so far developed a constructive and mutually complementary partnership to strengthen bilateral relations in a number of diverse areas.


The trade volume between ASEAN and Korea is a significant indicator of both the depth and breadth of bilateral relations as trade reached 53 billion US dollars in 2005.

* 대 ASEAN 수출 : 274억불, 대 ASEAN 수입 : 261억불


As you know well, Korea-ASEAN cooperation,  which has spanned three decades of friendship and exchanges, reached new heights in 2004 with the adoption of the Joint Declaration on Comprehensive Cooperation Partnership and in 2005 with the adoption of the Action Plan to implement the Joint Declaration.


Today, we are holding the First Korea-ASEAN Cooperation Forum, as a first step in implementing the Action Plan.


It is believed that on a track 1 level Korea-ASEAN gatherings for friendship and exchange have been more than sufficient, while on a track 1.5 or 2 level more diverse programmes are needed.


I believe the Korea-ASEAN Cooperation Forum will meet this need. Among other things, we can see the diversification of participants at this Forum.  We have not only government officials and scholars, but also business leaders and journalists with us here today. 


The forums theme, "Korea-ASEAN Relations : Past, Present and Future" will address vital issues in search for a stronger relationship between Korea and ASEAN.


Last December, our unique relationship was solidified even further with the signing of a basic agreement for the Korea-ASEAN FTA.



I'm well aware that a free trade agreement between our regions will be instrumental in strengthen economic cooperation.


In this regard, Korea wants to see a successful conclusion of Korea-ASEAN FTA negotiation as soon as possible. However, there seems delay in reaching an agreement in areas of service and investment.


I believe the deadlines for a Korea-ASEAN FTA negotiation should be rescheduled in order to keep up the momentum of economic integration.


Cooperation in East Asia


Furthermore, I hope that the newly-launched East Asia Summit, with the existing ASEAN+3 structure, will contribute to discussions on issues of common concern to our region, and evolve into an effective instrument for increased cooperation.


In addition, regarding the vision for realization of an East Asia community, Korea wishes to see faithful implementation of proposals by the East Asia Vision Group, adopted at the 2001 ASEAN+3 summit in Brunei


Overall Regional Environment


Undeniably, the overall security environment in Northeast Asia can be said to have  substantialy improved in the post-cold war era.


Despite such a positive change in circumstances, there still persist unstable factors in regional security. Among them, the North Korean Nuclear Issue stands out as the most threatening factor. Japan’s attempt to transform itself into a normal state and the increasing trend of military build-up in states, particularly China, are also heightening the strategic uncertainty in this region.


Furthermore, there still exists the possibility of outbreak of conflict and dispute among states due to historical, territorial and other reasons.




Today and tomorrow, I expect that we will have constructive discussions about the overall regional environment, Korea-ASEAN cooperation and cooperation in East Asia as a whole.


Once again, I would like to emphasize the importance of Korea-ASEAN relations.


Thank you.

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