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주한ASEAN공관장 초청 간담회 개회사


Welcoming Remarks

at the 2006 IFANS-ACS Meeting


     Before starting today's main session, I want to extend my condolences to Amb. Jakob Tobing, the victims' families and the people in the damaged area of last weekends earthquake in Indonesia and firmly believe that Indonesia will regain stability soon in the aftermath of the natural disaster.


        And I also extend my deep sympathy and condolences to Amb. Susan Castrence who lost her mother recently.







【 인사말씀 】


        Today, it is my great honour to share precious time with Ambassadors from ASEAN member countries.


        As a career diplomat with the experience of handling Asian and Pacific Affairs six to seven years ago, I am fully aware how  important ASEAN, as one of Korea's closest neighbors, is to us.


【 한·아세안 관계 】


        ASEAN and Korea have so far developed a constructive and mutually complementary partnership to strengthen bilateral relations including economic cooperation.



        The trade volume between ASEAN and Korea significantly indicates depth and width of bilateral relations by reaching 53 billion US dollars in 2005.

※ 한-ASEAN 교역 총액 : 535억불(대 ASEAN 수출 : 274억불, 수입 : 261억불)


        As you know well, Korea-ASEAN cooperation spanning three decades of friendship and exchange reached new heights in 2004 with the adoption of the Joint Declaration on Comprehensive Cooperation Partnership.


        Last December, our unique relationship was solidified even further with the signing of a basic agreement for the Korea-ASEAN FTA.


        I am well aware that a free trade agreement between our regions will be instrumental for strengthened economic cooperation. Therefore, Korea remains fully committed to achieving success in the up-coming negotiations in a mutually beneficial way.

        Furthermore, we hope that the newly-launched East Asia Summit, with the existing ASEAN+3 structure, will contribute to discussions on issues of common concern to our region, and evolve into an effective instrument for increased cooperation.


【 ASEAN과의 협력 사업 】


        Traditionally, IFANS' research activities have focused on North Korean nuclear issue, institutionalization of peace mechanism in the Korean Peninsular and relations with four big powers such as the United States, Japan, China and Russia.


        Since I assumed the post of the IFANS' Chancellor in mid January this year, I have thought over  an idea of IFANS' bigger and more constructive role in Korea's diplomatic activities by diversifying the areas of research and foreign partners for academic exchanges.

        In  this regard, I started to study new exchange programs with ASEAN.


        In late April when I met with Ambassador H.E. Dato Haji Harun Ismail from Brunei Darussalam, he provided me with a outstanding idea useful for both consolidating the relations between Korea and ASEAN and seeking IFANS' outstanding roles therein.


        This time, I have not finalized detailed elements for delivering Ambassador Ismail's idea, but I am considering a Track 1.5 type policy dialogue with one of the distinguished institutes of the ASEAN, where eminent scholars and government officials from IFANS and ASEAN-side participate. Regarding this scheme, your every advice and guidance will be much appreciated.




【 맺음말씀 】


        His Excellency Minister Ban Ki-moon and other colleagues in the Headquarters and me shall continue to seek cooperation and understanding from Ambassadors from ASEAN member states both through direct channels and on the sidelines of diplomatic events.


        Once again, welcome Ambassadors and diplomats from ASEAN member countries.


        Thank you.


만족도 조사 열람하신 정보에 대해 만족하십니까?