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[아동]제19차 인권이사회 아동권리에 관한 연례토의(우리대표 발언문)

외교부 > 국제기구국 > 인권사회과

The 19th Session of the Human Rights Council 
Annual Full-day meeting on the rights of the child (Res. 16/12)
Geneva, 8 March, 2012

Statement of the Republic of Korea

Madame President,

My delegation would like to express our sincere appreciation to the panelists for
their insightful presentation. The Republic of Korea welcomes this opportunity for a timely
discussion on the issue of juvenile justice.

The full respect for children’s human rights in the juvenile justice system as
envisioned in the Convention on the Rights of the Child is of special importance because
children in conflict with the law are often among the most vulnerable. Indeed, the manner in
which the system is applied to them can have significant impact on their future.
In this regard, the Korean Government has taken various steps to promote the
reintegration of children in conflict with the law into society and to help them become
responsible members of the community.

For example, one of the key changes has been the re-establishment of juvenile
reformatory schools as regular institutions to give these juveniles equal legal rights as
students from regular schools both in terms of transferring and finding jobs. These schools
aim to help these children to improve their understanding of common social values and to
play a constructive role in society. In addition, the institution of state-appointed legal
assistants in juvenile protection cases has been introduced in order to ensure that the view
and voices of children are respected in the judicial process.

Despite these efforts, however, we are still facing a number of challenges. As more
children are becoming involved in major offenses there is greater pressure to impose harsher
punishment on them mainly on the basis of the severity of their actions. Against this
backdrop, each government now has the great task of fully realizing the basic spirit of the
CRC in their juvenile justice system while trying to strike a balance with the realistic
demands and challenges we are facing today relating to this issue.

In closing, we would appreciate hearing panelists’ views and experiences on the
issue of juvenile justice and hope today’s discussion will contribute to the effective
implementation of juvenile justice policy by governments in a way of promoting the
children’s human rights.

Thank you. /End/

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