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[인권]제19차 인권이사회 미얀마 인권 특별보고관과의 대화(우리대표 발언문)

외교부 > 국제기구국 > 인권사회과

The 19th Session of the Human Rights Council 
Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the
Human Rights Situation in Myanmar
Geneva, 12 March, 2012

Statement of the Republic of Korea(권해룡 주제네바 차석대사)

The Republic of Korea would like to express its appreciation for the
informative and detailed report by Mr. Quintana, reflecting the result of his
latest visit to Myanmar. The Republic of Korea is also pleased to note that
he has enjoyed the full cooperation of the Government of Myanmar.

As the Special Rapporteur observed, the speed and breadth of reforms in
Myanmar has been surprising. The Republic of Korea believes that the
efforts of the international community, including through annual
resolutions adopted by this Council and the General Assembly, have played
a key role in bringing out the positive developments towards
democratization and improvement of human rights in Myanmar.

At the same time, the Republic of Korea also agrees with the Special
Rapporteur that serious challenges remain, which include the independence
of judiciary, reform of the legislation and their implementation, and further
steps to a genuine and broader national reconciliation. The international
community shall continue to support the Government of Myanmar to take
further and sustained action for irreversible progress, which will ultimately
lead to a solid and stable democracy in Myanmar with full respect of
human rights of its citizens.

In this regard, the role of the Special Rapporteur remains important. The
Republic of Korea looks forward to his continued contribution to the
improvement of human rights in Myanmar with constructive engagement
with the Government of Myanmar.   //End

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