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[인권]제13차 UPR 우리대표 발언문(필리핀 심의)

외교부 > 국제기구국 > 인권사회과

    2012. 5.21-6.4간 제네바에서 개최된 제13차 UPR(유엔인권이사회 보편적 정례인권검토) 관련 5.29 필리핀 심의시 우리대표 발언문입니다. 

The 13th Session of the UPR Working Group                                                    
Review of Philippines

Geneva, 29 May, 2012

 Statement of the Republic of Korea

  Thank you Madam President,

       At the outset, the Republic of Korea would like to extend a warm welcome to the distinguished delegation of the Philippines, and express our appreciation for the comprehensive presentation. My government commends the Philippines for its continuous efforts and various activities in promoting universal respect for human rights, especially since the previous UPR. Among them, we would like to especially highlight its accession to key international human rights instruments and treaties including the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court and the Stateless Persons Convention.

     My government also welcomes the effort to form a Special Task Force to address extrajudicial killings and the decreasing trend in the number of related cases, and recommends that the Philippines further its efforts to effectively eliminate extrajudicial killings.

     While appreciating the Philippines’ enacting the Anti-Torture Act and its accession to the OPCAT, my government would like to recommend also that the Philippines continue its efforts to fully prohibit torture and eliminate all forms of other ill-treatment at every level.

     Furthermore, my delegation recommends the Philippines to take measures to resolve the cases of delayed justice and impunity through judicial reforms.

     Lastly, we recommend that the Philippines fully implement the ‘Magna Carta of Women’ for promoting gender equality.

 Thank you. /END/ 

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