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[민주주의]제67차 유엔총회 계기 민주주의공동체 각료급회의 우리대표 연설문

외교부 > 국제기구국 > 인권사회과

2012.9.25  뉴욕에서 개최된 제67차 유엔총회 계기 민주주의공동체 각료급회의시 외교통상부 다자외교조정관 연설문입니다.   

His Excellency President Elbegdorj of Mongolia,

Mr. President



At the outset, I would like to express my sincere appreciation for the outstanding leadership demonstrated by the Mongolian Government in exercising the Presidency of the Community of Democracies (CD). Let me also pay respect to Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon for his personal commitment and passion for the promotion of democracy around the world.


Mr. Chair,


Since last year, we have been witnessing the spread of democracy in many corners of the world, in particular, in the Middle East and North Africa as well as Asian countries. I have a strong belief that eventually our world will approach the point of full democracy because the democratic values are right and just. However, still weed need more collective global efforts to make the world of full-fledged democracy. We observe many states are still struggling to tackle tremendous challenges before them on the road to democracy.


In particular, I am worried about the worsening situation in Syria, where its citizens’ longing for freedom and dignity is being trampled. Concerning the situation in Mali, I would like to recall that the Security Council in its resolution 2056 adopted last July, called upon all national stakeholders in Mali to create the necessary conditions to ensure the full restoration and preservation of constitutional order.


We should never indulge in the wishful thinking that democratic movements sparked by the people’s aspirations will automatically lead to the progress of democracy in time. As the Human Rights Council Resolution 19/36 aptly points out, ‘democratization can be a fragile process.’


Mr. Chair,


Against this backdrop, I am pleased to have this opportunity to share some thoughts and experience on this timely topic of the ‘rule of law and democracy.’ I believe that the first-ever high-level meeting on the rule of law yesterday also provided us with a valuable chance to reaffirm the important role of the rule of law in the progress of democracy.


The rule of law and democracy are mutually reinforcing imperatives. The rule of law plays a role of checking political power used against democratic values and institutions. Meanwhile, the progress of democracy enhances our faith and respect for the rule of law. Since the rule of law is fundamental for a stable and sustainable progress of democracy we need to make sure that this principle takes deep root in our society.


Mr. Chair,


The Republic of Korea has also underwent a long process of trial and error and did its utmost to strengthen the rule of law and democracy by ensuring equality before the law, fairness in the application of the law, and accountability to the law. And now we are willing to share our experience and lessons learned with other countries and provide a wide range of assistance to countries in transition.


For example, as a member of both the Governing Council and Executive Committee of the CD, the Republic of Korea is planning to provide financial support for the projects for assisting countries in transition next year. We will also make a contribution to the UNDP Trust Fund programs especially on supporting democratic governance in Myanmar, support for capacity development of democratic institutions in the Maldives, and gender equality in elected office in the Asia-Pacific region.


Mr. Chair,


For countries who are taking their first steps toward democracy, protection and promotion of human rights is another pillar, together with the rule of law, for the sustained progress of democracy. In this context, I look forward to the panel discussion on ‘the common challenges facing states in their efforts to secure democracy and the rule of law from a human rights perspective at the 23rd Session of the Human Rights Council next year to be held in accordance with the HRC Resolution 19/36. I believe that this HRC panel discussion will be a good follow-up to this meeting.


In closing, I wish to reaffirm the Korean Government’s commitment to supporting the efforts by the UN, the Community of Democracies, the HRC and other bodies in promoting and consolidating democratic value. And we will play a full part to ensure the upcoming Ministerial Conference in Ulaanbaatar turns out to be successful in generating further momentum for our collective endeavours for the promotion of democracy.


Thank you.




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