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[여성]제57차 유엔 여성지위위원회 기조연설문

외교부 > 국제기구국 > 인권사회과

 2013.3.4-15간 유엔 본부에서 개최된 제57차 유엔 여성지위위원회(CSW) 우리대표 기조연설문입니다.

<발언문 요약>

  o 국제사회가 1993년 비엔나선언 및 유엔총회 여성폭력철폐선언 채택 이래 여성폭력을 철폐하기 위한 지속적 노력을 기울여왔으나, 여전히 여성폭력이 만연해 있는 것이 현실임.
    - 이를 해결하기 위해 국가의 적극적 개입과 예방, 책임자 처벌 노력이 중요한바, 한국도 여성가족부 주도하에 여성폭력 문제에 종합적으로 대처하기 위한 부단한 노력을 기울이고 있음.

  o 한국 정부는 1990년대에 성폭력과 가정폭력 근절을 위한 일련의 법령을 도입하고, 2004년에는‘성폭력 범죄 방지 및 피해자 보호 등에 관한 법률’을 제정하여 성폭력 예방과 피해자 보호 지원을 한층 강화하였음.
    - 작년에는 관련 법률 개정을 통해 합의 강요 등 2차 피해를 방지하기 위해 성폭력범죄에 대한 친고죄를 폐지하였음.

  o 재범 위험성이 높은 성폭력 범죄의 특성을 고려하여 성범죄자의 취업제한을 대폭 강화하고, 위치 추적 전자 장치 부착, 약물치료 제도 및 형기 종료 후 보호관찰 제도를 도입하는 등 재범 방지를 위한 다양한 제도를 마련하여 추진 중에 있음.

  o 아동에 대한 성적착취 및 폭력 예방을 위해서도 노력해오고 있는바, 올해 전면 개정된 ‘아동, 청소년의 성보호에 관한 법률’이 시행되어 반의사불벌죄가 폐지되었음. 또한, 아동, 청소년 음란물에 대한 대대적인 단속을 시행하였음.

  o 2011년에는 「가정폭력방지 종합대책」을 마련하여 경찰관의 긴급임시 조치권을 강화하고, 수사관계자에 대한 가정폭력 인식개선교육, 피해자를 위한 가족보호시설 확대 등의 피해자 보호조치를 시행하였음.

  o 여성폭력 방지를 위한 실효성 있는 대책을 마련하고 추진하기 위해서는 정확한 실태 파악 및 통계의 보유가 중요한바, 우리 정부는 매 3년마다 전국 가정폭력·성폭력·성매매 실태조사를 실시하고 조사결과를 대책수립에 활용하고 있음.
    - 또한, UN Women과 UN 통계국의 EDGE(Evidence and Data for Gender Equality) 이니셔티브에 대한 재정지원을 통해, 성인지적 통계 수립을 위한 국제사회의 노력을 지원하고 있음.

  o 2000년 채택된 ‘여성과 평화, 안보’에 관한 안보리 결의 1325는 분쟁지역 성폭력으로부터 여성을 보호하고, 분쟁해결 주체로서 여성의 참여 확대를 촉구하고 있는바, 우리는 동 결의를 적극 지지하며, 보다 체계적이고 전략적인 이행을 위해 관계 정부 기관과 시민사회 전문가들이 참여하여 국가행동계획을 마련하고 있음.
    - 2차대전중 군대 성노예제의 희생자인 소위 '위안부(comfort women)' 피해자들의 고통은 전시 성폭력의 잔혹함을 상기시키는바, 상기 국가행동계획에는 이들을 지원하기 위한 조치가 포함될 예정임.

  o 금년 2.25 우리 헌정 사상 최초의 여성대통령으로 취임한 박근혜 대통령은 폭력이 없는 안전한 사회를 복지의 기초이자 국민행복의 최고 가치로 두고, ‘성폭력’을 민생안정을 위협하는 사회악 중 하나로 규정하여, 이를 근절하기 위한 다각적인 정책을 추진 중에 있음.

  o 여성폭력의 완전한 종식을 위해서는 양성평등 달성과 여성에 대한 차별 철폐가 전제되어야 하는바, 우리 정부는 1998년부터 5년 단위로 ‘여성정책 기본계획’을 수립, 이행해 오고 있음. 최근에는 성별영향분석평가와 성인지 예·결산 제도의 내실화를 통해 사회 각 부문의 성평등 수준을 제고하고자 노력하고 있음.

<발언문 전문>

Statement by H.E. Ambassador SHIN Dong-Ik
Deputy Permanent Representative of the Republic of Korea
On agenda item 3: Follow-up to the Fourth World Conference on Women and to the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly, entitled “Women 2000: gender equality, development and peace for the twenty-first century”
The 57th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women

11 March 2013
New York

Madam Chair, Distinguished Delegates,

At the outset, I would like to extend my gratitude to the members of the Bureau and the staff of UN Women for their leadership and efforts in preparing for this year's session.

With the adoption of the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action and the Declaration on the Elimination of Violence Against Women in 1993, the international community has vowed to stamp out violence against women and made ongoing efforts in this regard. Nevertheless, violence against women still prevails across the globe. Indeed, it is clear that violence against women is still one of the most critical challenges of our time.

Madam Chair,

The role of government in the intervention, prevention, and punishment of violence against women is vital. The Korean Government has been working tirelessly to address various forms of violence against women in a comprehensive and coordinated manner, with the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family taking the lead.

In this regard, we have introduced a series of laws concerning sexual and domestic violence since the 1990s. Recently, in 2010, the Act on the Prevention of Sexual Assault and Protection of Victims Thereof was enacted, aiming to offer stronger support for victims of sexual assault. Last year, the National Assembly took the initiative to fight against sexual violence, which resulted in the amendment of the Criminal Act so that sexual assaults are prosecuted ex officio to prevent victims from being pressured to drop charges.

In addition, considering the high recidivism rate of sexual crimes, the Korean Government has toughened employment restrictions on high-risk sex offenders along with various deterrence measures, including the use of electronic tracking devices, mandatory post-prison supervision, and chemical castration.

We have also paid special attention to the prevention of sexual exploitation and violence against children. This year, the revised Act on the Protection of Children and Juveniles from Sexual Abuse came into effect to ensure the punishment of sex offenders committing crimes against children and young people even if victims do not explicitly request it. The Korean Government also enforced an all-out crackdown on child pornography.

With regard to domestic violence, the “Comprehensive Plan to Prevent Domestic Violence" was introduced in 2011. The Plan aims, among other things, to strengthen the initial response taken by law enforcement personnel in cases of domestic violence. It also features measures to better protect victims, including enhanced training of investigation personnel and an increase in the number of shelters for victims.

Madam Chair,

An effective policy response to violence against women requires accurate analysis and adequate data. To this end, the Korean Government conducts nationwide surveys every three years on domestic violence, sexual assault, and prostitution. The Republic of Korea is also committed to the international efforts to enhance gender-responsive data accumulation for the purposes of promoting gender equality. The Korean Government has provided financial support to the Evidence and Data for Gender Equality (EDGE) initiative, which was jointly launched by UN Women and the UN Statistics Division last year.

Madam Chair,

The Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action also stipulates that “[v]iolations of the human rights of women in situations of armed conflict are violations of the fundamental principles of international human rights and humanitarian law.”

Moreover, UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on women, peace and security adopted in October 2000 calls for an increase in the participation of women as active agents in conflict resolution, peace processes, and protection of women from gender-based violence. Fully committed to the resolution, the Government of the Republic of Korea, in consultation with civil society experts, is establishing a National Action Plan to ensure a more systematic implementation. Among other acts, the plan is expected to include measures to support the so-called “comfort women,” victims of military sexual slavery during the Second World War, whose suffering still reminds us of the brutality of sexual violence in wartime.

Madam Chair,

President Park Geun-hye, who was inaugurated as Korea's first female President on February 25th, has made the building of a safe society without violence a top priority of her agenda, underlining it as the very foundation of the welfare and well-being of the citizens of Korea. Condemning sexual and domestic violence as "social evils" that threaten public safety, President Park promises to implement multifaceted policies in order to root out all cases of such violence.

The Republic of Korea believes that the full realization of gender equality and eradication of gender discrimination are crucial to end violence against women. To this end, the Korean Government has also implemented a number of gender mainstreaming policies, including the five-year Basic Plans for Women’s Policies, first launched in 1998. The recent introduction of gender impact assessments and gender-responsive budgeting and accounting is a notable development in this direction.

Madam Chair,

I am confident that during this year's session, we will be able to come up with strategies that will help all Member States find the way forward. The Republic of Korea remains committed to protecting women from all forms of discrimination and violence. It will cooperate with other Member States for the full and effective implementation of every pledge that is made during this year's session.

Thank you.


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