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[각료회의] 제7차 각료회의 관련 문서(WT/MIN(09)W/1)

외교부 > 다자통상국 > 세계무역기구과

Strengthening the WTO



Communication from , , , , Hong Kong ,

European Communities, , , , , , ,

, , , , and [1]




            The following communication, dated 15 October 2009, is being circulated at the request of the Delegation of India.







Text for inclusion in the outcome document of the 7th Ministerial Conference




            On the issue of systemic improvements to the WTO, we propose the following text for inclusion in the Chair's summary to be issued at the conclusion of the 7th Ministerial Conference.


"The rapid change in the global economic environment requires the WTO to be agile and responsive in order to preserve its central role in the global trading system.  With a view to maintaining the effective functioning of the rules based multilateral trading system, the WTO needs to periodically engage in a process of review of its functioning, efficiency and transparency and consider systemic improvements, as appropriate.  Ministers have invited the General Council therefore, to establish an appropriate deliberative process to review the organization’s functioning, efficiency and transparency and consider possible improvements, while bearing in mind the high priority we attach to the successful conclusion of the DDA negotiations.  We look forward to reviewing the progress in this regard in our next meeting."





[1] This communication supersedes the submission made earlier by some of the co-sponsors in Job(09)/135 of 12 October, 2009 on the same subject.  Due to the  paucity of time, some interested Members have not been able to complete the process of finalisation of their co-sponsorship of this proposal. An updated list of co-sponsors will be submitted shortly.

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