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[ARF] [공동의장요약문] ARF ISG on Confidence Building Measures and Preventive Diplomacy (ISG on CBMs and PD) Batam, Indonesia, 1-3 November 2006

외교부 > 남아시아대양주국 > 남아시아대양주지역협력과

Co-Chairs' Summary Report of the Meeting of the ASEAN Regional Forum

Inter-sessional Support Group on Confidence Building Measures and

Preventive Diplomacy

Batam, Indonesia, 1-3 November 2006




1.      Pursuant to the decision of the 13th Ministerial Meeting of the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) held in Kuala Lumpur on 28 July 2006, the Meeting of the Inter-sessional Support Group on Confidence Building Measures and Preventive Diplomacy (ISG on CBM and PD) was held in Batam, Indonesia, on 1-3 November 2006. The Meeting was co-chaired by Indonesia and the European Union.


2.      Representatives from all ARF participants, except DPRK and PNG, were present. The ARF Unit was also present. Prior to this Meeting, the ARF Defense Officials' Dialogue was held on 1 November 2006.


3.      The Agenda of the Meeting is attached as ANNEX A, the Programme of Activities as ANNEX B, and the List of Participants as ANNEX C.


Briefing on the Outcomes of the Defense Officials’ Dialogue


4.      MG Djoko Sutrisno of Indonesia as co-chair of the ARF DoD briefed the Meeting on the outcome of the ARF ISG on CBMs and PD Defense Officials’ Dialogue which was held on 1 November 2006. The DoD had discussed regional and international issues, disaster relief and peacekeeping. The discussion further reiterated the decision of the ARF SOM in Yogyakarta in May 2004 regarding the extension of the Dialogue to a full day meeting starting next dialogue in Finland in March 2007. Attached as Annex D is the co-chairs’ summary report of the DOD.


Exchange of Views on the Regional, International and Non-Traditional



Regional Issues


5.      Participants have exchanged their views on the current regional situation and challenges in Asia Pacific. They agreed that the situation in the region is generally stable. They also reiterated the necessity of working cooperatively to maintain peace and stability. Participants also stressed the importance of ARF to focus its deliberations on regional issues, particularly in Asia-Pacific given that there are number of issues posing threats to the region. ARF should also continue to pay attention to non-traditional security issues such as terrorism, disaster relief, maritime security, non-proliferation of WMD, energy security, communicable diseases, trafficking in persons, trafficking of illicit drugs, and other non-traditional security issues and address the challenges in these areas. Participants agreed to work towards more concrete and practical activities so that the ARF could deliver on its commitment to preventive diplomacy.


6.      The Meeting expressed appreciation for Thailand’s briefing on its internal developments since September 2006 and took note of the promulgation of an Interim Constitution, the appointment of a new civilian prime minister and cabinet, the constitution of the National Legislative Assembly, and the establishment of the National People’s Assembly to draft the new constitution. The Meeting expressed encouragement for an early lifting of martial law, the restoration of fundamental rights and freedom and swift holding of elections.


7.      The Meeting expressed deep concern about the nuclear test conducted by the DPRK on 9 October 2006 following its seven ballistic missile tests conducted in July 2006. The meeting also noted that the DPRK has disregarded appeals from the international community. The Meeting considered DPRK’s nuclear weapons and ballistic missile programs has generated tension in the region and beyond, and posed a clear threat to international peace and security. The Meeting called for the full implementation, by all member states of UNSC Resolution 1718 of 14 October 2006 and called for DPRK to submit all its nuclear activities to IAEA verification. The Meeting welcomed the intention of the DPRK to return, without precondition, to the Six-Party Talks. However, Participants further acknowledged the importance to engage DPRK in various international for a including ARF to work towards its international engagement.


8.      The Meeting took note that Japan expressed its concern over the remaining humanitarian issues including the abduction.


9.      On Myanmar, participants expressed concern over the lack of political reforms and the continued detention of political prisoners and called for the release of those prisoners. Some participants deplored the humanitarian situation in the country, the treatment of ethnic groups and continued displacement. The Meeting expressed hope that Myanmar would expedite its process of democracy and national reconciliation. In response, Myanmar briefed the Meeting on the status of the work of their National Convention and informed that 11 out of 15 chapters of the proposed new constitution have been concluded.


10. Some participants addressed the situation in the Middle East. Some participants expressed support to the reconstruction in Lebanon and the lasting political solution for the Palestine issue. The Meeting called and urged all parties to refrain from acts that could further exacerbate the humanitarian crisis in Middle East region.


11. The Meeting took note of the situation in the South China Sea and welcomed the steps taken by the concerned parties toward the full implementation of the DoC. It is hoped with a continued exercise of self-restraint and close consultation among parties, ASEAN and China would eventually move towards the adoption of a code of conduct for the South China Sea.


12. The Meeting exchanged views on other developments in the region, including the progress in the implementation of the peace agreement in Aceh, the restoration of order in Timor Leste, the security situation in the Solomon Islands and the evolving political situation in Fiji. The Meeting was briefed by the representative from Timor Leste on the latest political and security developments after the events of April 2006 in the country.


13. The Meeting shared the view that the ARF should continue its cooperation in the field of maritime security. The Meeting discussed certain norms, including the principle of respect for national sovereignty of littoral states as well as the role of user states in maintaining freedom and safety of navigation. A few Participants also touched upon the environmental issue in the region and welcomed the positive development in overcoming the said issue.


14. The Meeting took note of the suggestion by Mongolia to consider the possibility of engaging Northeast Asian nations in the political-security dialogue at track I level.


International Security Situation


15. Some participants raised the issue of the security situation in Afghanistan and stressed the urgent need for development and reconstruction to the country. Pakistan briefed the Meeting on its latest politics-military efforts to secure Pakistan-Afghanistan border against infiltration by Taliban.


16. Some participants discussed Iran’s nuclear program and expressed strong preference for diplomatic solutions in accordance with the relevant UNSC resolution. In relation to this, the Meeting encouraged states to adhere to the IAEA additional protocol on safeguards.


Non-traditional Security Issues


17. Participants reaffirmed that terrorism, irrespective of its origins, motivation or objectives constitute a common threat. The Meeting discussed the progress achieved in the fight against terrorism particularly in the Asia Pacific region and called for further strengthening of regional cooperation to counter terrorism. The Meeting also supported the ongoing efforts of the ARF participating countries to prevent, suppress and eradicate acts of terrorism in all forms and manifestations.


18. The Meeting noted the adoption of ARF Statement on Cooperation in Fighting Cyber Attack and Terrorist Misuse of Cyber Space and the ARF Statement on People-Centered Approach to Counter-Terrorism by the Ministers at the 13th ARF in Kuala Lumpur on 28 July 2006.


19. New Zealand informed the Meeting of its plan to host the 3rd Asia Pacific Regional Inter-Faith Dialogue meeting on 29-31 May 2007. The Meeting would be the continuation of the Cebu Dialogue on Regional Interfaith Cooperation for Peace, Development and Human Dignity, held in the Philippines, 14 – 16 March 2006, and of the inaugural dialogue meeting held in Yogyakarta, Indonesia on 6-7 December 2004. The meeting aims to build greater understanding and mutual respect amongst the region’s different religious faiths and communities.


20. The Meeting also discussed the issues of human trafficking, trafficking in drugs, and disaster relief and recognized that regional cooperation and cooperation with the UN is essential in addressing these issues. On the trafficking in persons, Mongolia and Indonesia shared common perspectives on the importance of enhancing coordinated mechanism to combat trafficking in persons.


21. The Meeting was of the view that ARF should continue cooperation in disaster relief. China briefed the Meeting that it would take a lead in establishment of ARF General Guidelines on Disaster Relief Cooperation. The Meeting also took note of Indonesia’s briefing on the progress of the development of the ARF Standby Arrangements for Immediate Humanitarian Assistance as ANNEX E.


Review and Consideration on Confidence-Building Measures and Preventive Diplomacy


22. The Meeting received the briefings on the following ARF activities undertaken since the 13th ARF Ministerial:

a.  India – 3rd ARF Seminar on Cyber Security, New Delhi, 6-8 September 2006 (ANNEX F )

b.  Viet Nam and Australia – ARF Seminar on the Roles of Military and Civil Cooperation in Prevention and Control of Communicable Diseases such as SARS and Avian Influenza, Ha Noi, 14-15 September 2006 (ANNEX G)

c.   China – 6th ARF ISM on Disaster Relief, Qingdao, 18-20 September 2006 (ANNEX H )

d.  EU and Singapore – ARF Seminar on Energy Security, Brussels, 6-7 October 2006 (ANNEX I )

e.  Thailand and Australia – ARF Workshop on Stockpile Security of Man-Portable Air Defense Systems and Other Small Arms and Light Weapons, Bangkok, 11-13 October 2006 (ANNEX J )

f.        Malaysia – 10th ARF Head of Defense Collleges/Universities/Institutions Meeting (HDUCIM) in Kuala Lumpur on 4-7 September 2006 (ANNEX K)


23. Australia announced that it would co-sponsor with Indonesia to conduct the ARF Desk Top Exercise on the Disaster Relief which would engage participation of technical experts. The Exercise will involve a planning meeting in Australia in the second half of 2007 and the exercise in Indonesia in 2008. Australia and Indonesia will advise the dates of the activities soon as possible.


24. Singapore briefed the Meeting on the preparation of the ARF Maritime Security Shore Exercise Planning Conference on 7-8 December 2006 and the ARF Maritime Security Shore Exercise on 22-23 January 2007. Invitations to these activities have been sent via official channel and distributed during the Meeting.


25. ROK announced that it would host the 4th ARF Seminar on Cyber Terrorism in second half of 2007. The concept paper for this activity appears as ANNEX L.


26. Indonesia informed the Meeting on its proposal to convene an ARF Round Table Discussion on Stocktaking of Maritime Security Issues. The concept paper appears as ANNEX M.


27. The US informed the Meeting that it would co-host with Canada and Singapore to convene the ARF Seminar on the Implementation of UNSC Resolution 1540 in San Francisco on 13-15 February 2007.


28. Japan announced that it would co-host with Singapore to hold the 5th ISM on CTTC in Tokyo on 1-2 March 2007. The theme of the Meeting would promote inter-civilization dialogue.


29. The Philippines briefed the Meeting on the convening of ARF Seminar on the Law of the Sea in 2007. Further details for the seminar would be circulated in due course.


30. Malaysia informed the Meeting co-sponsor with Australia on the convening of the ARF Meeting on Peacekeeping Experts at end of February or early March 2007.


31. The EU announced that it would co-host with Indonesia the ISM on Disaster Relief to be held in 2007.


32. China briefed the Meeting that it would co-host with Thailand the ARF Seminar on Illicit Drugs to be held in Xian City on 19-21 September 2007.


33. India informed the Meeting that it would host the Seminar on Peacekeeping in the third week of March 2007.


34. Singapore informed the meeting on its proposal to host an ASEAN Regional Forum Seminar on Energy Security. The Concept Paper appears as ANNEX N.


Voluntary Background Briefings


35. The meeting took note of the following voluntary briefings made by ARF participants:

a.      Indonesia on the development of ASEAN Convention on Counter-Terrorism (ANNEX O)

b.      Singapore on APEC Total Supply Chain Security Symposium conducted in Singapore, 6-7 July 2006 (ANNEX P) and presentation on Strategy to Secure Singapore’s Cyber Space (ANNEX Q)

c.      Japan on the outcomes of the 11th Tokyo Defense Forum held in Tokyo on 24 - 25 October 2006.

d.      Japan on People Building in Asia for Peace Building (ANNEX R)


Future Direction of ARF




36. ROK briefed the Meeting on the outcomes of the First Plenary Meeting of the ARF EEPs in Jeju Island on 29-30 June 2006. Following the tasking by the 13th ARF, ROK announced to co-host with the Philippines a second meeting of ARF EEPs in the Philippines in January 2007 on the theme of Multilateral Security Cooperation in Northeast Asia.


37. The Meeting agreed to discuss the recommendations of the EEPs and the outcomes of the second EEPs meeting at the next ISG on CBMs on PD. Some participants pointed out some important recommendations by the EEPs particularly to move ARF process forward by conducting the table top exercises on areas of common concerns. The Meeting also agreed to continue the practice of inviting EEPs to ARF activities.


ARF Fund


38. The ARF Unit of the ASEAN Secretariat presented the ARF Fund Project Proposal on the Study on Preventive Diplomacy. The proposal appears as ANNEX S.


39. The United States expressed support for the project and announced practical contribution. Others undertook and considered the proposal favorably with a view to practical outcomes. Participants were invited to forward comments on the proposal to the ARF Unit before the end of 2006 so that a revised draft could be prepared well before the next meeting of the ISG.


ARF Chair


40. The Philippines briefed the Meeting on the latest draft Terms of Reference of Friends (TOR) of the ARF Chair. The Meeting expressed its appreciation to the Philippines for its efforts and agreed to finalize the draft at the next meeting of the ISG in March 2007 in view of the adoption of TOR by the 14th ARF Ministerial Meeting in the Philippines in August 2007. The draft TOR appears as ANNEX T.


Links with Other Organizations


41. Thailand suggested that the ISG co-chairs to inform the chairs of CSCAP and ASEAN ISIS about the concept paper of “Enhancing Ties between Track I and Track II in the ARF, and between the ARF and Other Regional and International Security Organisations”. Thailand also proposed that ARF invite the co-chairs of CSCAP (currently Indonesia and New Zealand) and ASEAN ISIS (currently Laos) to attend the next ISG on CBMs and PD. It was agreed that the ARF Chair and ARF Unit establish contact with heads and secretariat of regional and international organizations, including the OSCE. Thailand also reminded the Meeting to consider inviting representatives of other international or regional organizations to ARF activities such as the ISM on CTTC or the ISM on DR. Host could announce their intention to do so in advance of the Meeting at preceding ARF meetings.


Preparations for the Next ARF ISG on CBMs and PD


42. The European Union announced that the next ARF ISG on CBMs and PD would be convened in Helsinki, Finland on 28-30 March 2007.


Other Matters


43. ASEAN Secretariat briefed the Meeting on the latest copy of the ARF Matrix of Decisions and Status. ASEAN Secretariat called to the attention of the ARF participants the need to update the directory of ARF contact points on various areas as annexed in the Matrix.


44. Australia suggested to add a column on the Protocol on Safeguard Agreement of the NPT in the matrix of Status of Accession of Participating Countries’ Accession and/or Ratification of International Treaties/Convention on WMD annexed in the ARF Matrix of Decision and Status.


45. ASEAN Secretariat also briefed on the outcome of the consultation meeting between the six shepherd countries on disaster relief at the sideline of the ISG. Australia is to take a lead in convening the ARF table top exercise in disaster relief and development of inventory of assets. In addition to it, the US is seeking to take a lead in capacity building both through bilateral and regional programmes under the ARF.


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