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[ARF] Guidelines for the Operation of the ARF EEPs(영문)

외교부 > 남아시아대양주국 > 남아시아대양주지역협력과





Adopted at the 11th ARF, Jakarta , 2 July 2004




These guidelines, based on the Co-Chair's Paper on the Terms of Reference for the ARF EEPs adopted at the 8th ARF Ministerial Meeting in 2001, is to provide a guidance to the actual operation of the Register of EEPs.



1. Composition and Status of the EEPs



(a) The EEPs, experts and eminent persons nominated and registered by each ARF participant in due course in accordance with the 2001 Co-Chairs' paper on Terms of Reference for the ARF EEPs, shall be regarded as advisers to the ARF.



(b) The ARF participants will be encouraged to indicate the specific field of expertise of the individual EEPs, thereby facilitating selection of EEPs suited for the assigned task.



2. Role of the EEPs



(a) The role of the EEPs is to provide non-binding and professional views or policy recommendations to the ARF through the ARF Chair, or to serve as resource persons to the ARF on issues of relevance to their expertise.



(b) The activities of the EEPs shall focus on issues and subjects which are relevant to the interests and concerns of the ARF not being adequately addressed elsewhere, and to which their expertise is directly applicable.



(c) The work of the EEPs should directly support activities to take the ARF further forward, especially with respect to for ma tive work on confidence building measures, the development of preventive diplo ma cy and the elaboration of approaches to conflicts in the region. In this regard, "the Nine Recommendations on the Future Direction of the ARF" adopted at the 9th ARF Ministerial Meeting on 31 July 2002 provide good examples of those subjects in which the expert study, analysis and recommendations of the EEPs ma y be required.



3. Procedures for Activities and Meetings of the EEPs



(a) The ARF Chair or any ARF participant ma y propose activating the EEPs for the aforementioned tasks. Such proposals will be collected by the ARF Chair and circulated to all ARF participants. In the absence of any objection from the ARF participants, the proposals will be put into effect.



(b) The ARF Chair shall invite nominations of EEPs from the ARF participants and, in consultations with the ARF participants, propose the individual EEPs to participate in the assigned task. The EEPs for the assigned task will be selected to reflect a diverse range of views among the EEPs and be of a ma nageable size. The ma ndate and scope of the work of the EEPs will be determined on a case-by-case basis and in accordance with the principle of consensus and so as to support the ARF Chair on specific tasks.



(c) Meetings of the EEPs ma y be convened to facilitate the conduct of the work ma ndated by the ARF, with the government hosting the EEPs’ meeting providing the secretariat services and administrative assistance. It is encouraged that the EEPs' meeting be co-chaired by an EEP from ASEAN member state and an EEP from non- ASEAN member state.



(d) The activities and findings/results of the EEPs should be reported in writing to the ARF Chair which will share them with all ARF participants. In this regard, the EEPs should be informed in advance that their findings/results will be used by the ARF Chair or ARF participants within the ARF and with the consent of the concerned participants. The copyright for publication of the activities and findings/results of the EEPs will be held by the ARF and their activities and findings/results will not be publicized outside the ARF.



4. Financial Rules



(a) The ARF participants providing the EEPs with related services will bear the costs involved.



(b) In the event that the EEPs are commissioned for a task on the initiative of the ARF Chair, the Chair ma y mobilize voluntary contributions from the ARF participants. The modalities for funding should be indicated in the proposals.



5. Future Review and Amendment



(a) These guidelines will be reviewed for possible amendment and revision when and if the need arises in the future.



(b) Any amendment and revision shall be ma de on the basis of consensus of all ARF members.





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