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[아세안] [2007 ASEAN 정상회의 결과] Plan of Action to Implement the Nuremburg Declaration on an EU-ASEAN Enhanced PArtnership

외교부 > 남아시아대양주국 > 남아시아대양주지역협력과
  Plan of Action to Implement the Nuremberg Declaration on an EU-ASEAN Enhanced Partnership

Pursuant to the “Nuremberg Declaration on an EU-ASEAN Enhanced Partnership” endorsed by the Foreign Ministers of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and the European Union (EU) at the 16th ASEAN-EU Ministerial Meeting in Nuremberg, Germany, on 15 March 2007, this Plan of Action (PoA) is drawn up to serve as the master plan for enhancing ASEAN-EU relations and cooperation in the medium term (2007-2012) in a comprehensive and mutually beneficial manner.

This PoA will also support ASEAN integration, through helping to realise the end-goal of the establishment of ASEAN Community by 2015, consisting of three pillars, namely ASEAN Security Community, ASEAN Economic Community and ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community, through, inter alia, the implementation of the Vientiane Action Programme (VAP) and subsequent plans to achieve the Declaration of ASEAN Concord II.

In light of the above, ASEAN and the European Union will pursue the following joint actions and measures, in accordance with the laws, regulations and national policies of the respective ASEAN Member Countries and those of the European Union.

1. Political and Security Cooperation

1.1. Deepen political dialogue and enhance regional cooperation

ASEAN and the EU have agreed in the Nuremberg Declaration to step up political and security cooperation. In order to implement this objective effectively, ASEAN and the EU will:

Use bilateral dialogue fora fully

1.1.1. Uphold the implementation of the Leaders’ commitments at the ASEAN-EU Commemorative Summit held on 22 November 2007 in Singapore;

1.1.2. Continue to hold biennial ASEAN-EU Ministerial Meetings (AEMM) and the annual ASEAN Post Ministerial Conference with the EU (PMC + 1); and

1.1.3. Hold a self-standing SOM in those years without a Ministerial meeting, to review progress made in the implementation of the PoA and to promote further convergence of foreign policy positions on regional and international issues.

Exploit the potential of multilateral fora

1.1.4. Develop ASEAN-EU consultations/cooperation in multilateral fora, including in the United Nations and other bodies within the UN system as well as in Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM), in order to strengthen the multilateral system and, where appropriate, to develop joint positions; and

1.1.5. Enhance the role of multilateral cooperation in Asia, including through the accession of the EU/EC to the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia (TAC).

1.2. Deepen security cooperation (including crisis management and conflict prevention, as well as capacity building)

1.2.1. Enhance the role of the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF), with ASEAN as the primary driving force, in promoting peace and stability, as well as dialogue and cooperation, in the Asia-Pacific region;

1.2.2. Continue cooperation in the ARF to improve its confidence-building measures and enhance its preventive diplomacy function;

1.2.3. Encourage co-hosting focussed seminars on confidence building measures and preventive diplomacy, including, inter alia, cooperation between ASEAN and European think-tanks;

1.2.4. Enhance EU-ASEAN dialogue and cooperation in crisis management, in particular, in the form of knowledge transfer and exchange of best practices in civilian crisis management, building on the successful cooperation in the Aceh Monitoring Mission (AMM);

1.2.5. Encourage the participation of and underscore the role of women in conflict prevention including humanitarian efforts (aid operations, relief and recovery).To this end, ASEAN and the EU would take full cognizance of the UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security, and comply with the UN Convention on the Elimination on All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW);

1.2.6. Encourage co-hosting seminars on human rights issues, along the lines of the established ASEM-seminars on human rights. Encourage other initiatives aimed at jointly exploring ways of strengthening exchanges, dialogue and capacity building related to the protection of human rights from a regional perspective;

1.2.7. Foster the regular exchange of best practices between the Track I and Track II and between the ARF and other regional and international organisations such as, Council for Security Cooperation in the Asia Pacific (CSCAP), ASEAN Institute of Strategic and International Studies (ASEAN-ISIS) and the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE); and

1.2.8. Encourage participation of ASEAN countries in European Security Defence Policy (ESDP) operations as appropriate in view of the mandate of the respective organisation.

1.3. Traditional and Non-Traditional Security Issues

1.3.1. Work together to implement the “ASEAN-EU Joint Declaration on Cooperation to Combat Terrorism” signed during the 14th ASEAN-EU Ministerial Meeting in Brussels, in 2003, and promote regional and multilateral counter-terrorism efforts particularly through comprehensive exchange of experiences and information sharing, capacity building, and enhanced cooperation between relevant governmental agencies and academies/universities;

1.3.2. Support the implementation of the ASEAN Convention on Counter Terrorism and promote the full and effective implementation of the UN Security Council’s Resolutions related to terrorism as well as ratification or accession, as the case may be, and implementation of the international conventions relating to counter terrorism and relevant resolutions of the United Nations on measures aimed at countering international terrorism, including assisting ASEAN Member Countries in capacity building;

1.3.3. Encourage the implementation of the UN Global Counter Terrorism Strategy as adopted on 8 September 2006 by the UN General Assembly and the ASEAN Convention on Counter Terrorism as adopted at the 12th ASEAN Summit in Cebu, the Philippines, and continue to encourage the conclusion of a UN Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism with the aim of promoting comprehensive, coordinated and consistent responses at national, regional and international levels to counter terrorism;

1.3.4. Encourage ASEAN-EU cooperation in line with the UN Convention against Transnational Organised Crime and its protocols and when appropriate, ASEAN’s transnational crime agreements/declarations/plans of action;

1.3.5. Support efforts to strengthen counter-terrorism cooperation amongst regional counter-terrorism institutions and agencies, such as the Jakarta Centre for Law Enforcement Cooperation (JCLEC), the Southeast Asia Regional Centre for Counter Terrorism (SEARCCT) in Kuala Lumpur, and the International Law Enforcement Academy (ILEA) in Bangkok, with the objective of strengthening the capacities of national law enforcement agencies and links with relevant international and regional institutions;

1.3.6. Hold ASEAN Senior Officials Meeting on Transnational Crime (SOMTC) Plus EU Consultation, when necessary, and workshops on relevant issues to share information, review progress of cooperation in transnational crime and discuss ways to address non-traditional security challenges of mutual concern;

1.3.7. Encourage the possible establishment of linkages between law enforcement agencies in ASEAN and the EU with a view to sharing experience and best practice in combating transnational crime and counter-terrorism;

1.3.8. Support ASEAN’s efforts, where practicable, in combating trafficking in persons through existing programmes, projects or activities and intensify cooperation between ASEAN and EU with regard to supporting the ASEAN Declaration against Trafficking in Persons particularly Women and Children, recommendations of SOMTC Work Programme on Trafficking in Persons, the ASEAN Plan of Action for Cooperation on Immigration Matters and, when appropriate, the Palermo Convention and its protocols;

1.3.9. Encourage the convening of ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Transnational Crime (AMMTC) Plus EU Consultations (AMMTC+EC) in response to the rising concern on transnational crime;

1.3.10. Support ASEAN in attaining the Drug Free ASEAN 2015 goals in identified areas through law enforcement cooperation and information dissemination;

1.3.11. Promote activities and strengthen cooperation to combat corruption;

1.3.12. Encourage the development of regular dialogues and consultations, conduct personnel exchange programmes, exchange information and promote activities and cooperation in priority fields to combat illegal drug trafficking and diversion of chemical precursors used in the manufacturing of illegal drugs;

1.3.13. Cooperate in the areas of disarmament, arms control and non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their means of delivery. In this respect, implement and universalise the existing disarmament and non-proliferation treaties, conventions and instruments. Cooperate also in the areas of illicit trade of small arms and light weapons;

1.3.14. Cooperate to achieve the objectives set forth by existing disarmament and non-proliferation treaties, conventions and instruments with all ASEAN partners and consult together on non-proliferation challenges as well as on international cooperation in materials, equipment and technology for peaceful purposes and other aspects of the peaceful and safe use of nuclear energy;

1.3.15. Continue to support international institutions charged respectively with the verification and upholding of the compliance with these treaties;

1.3.16. Work closely towards the implementation of the relevant non-proliferation resolutions of the United Nations Security Council and continue cooperation in building and strengthening national capacities to implement fully the UNSCR 1540;

1.3.17. In order to promote the development of effective national export control systems, cooperate with the ASEAN countries in this area including through the EU export controls programme, where appropriate;

1.3.18. In order to fight against illicit trade and trafficking in small arms and light weapons, work together towards adoption of an ARF Statement on Small Arms and Light Weapons;

1.3.19. Consider further cooperation to promote, where possible, the objectives set forth by the Convention on the Prohibition of the Uses, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mine and on their Destruction;

1.3.20. Step up EU technical assistance, enhance cooperation in information sharing, legislative framework and law enforcement as well as institutional capacity-building in support of efforts to tackle the problem of transnational crime, including terrorism, trafficking in persons, drug trafficking, sea piracy, arms smuggling, money laundering, cyber crime, and international economic crime; and

1.3.21. Promote the development of regional capacities in detection, monitoring, and reporting practices of illegal money transfer and promote the international standards to combat money laundering and terrorist financing, in accordance with measures initiated by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF).

2. Economic Cooperation


2.1. Convene regular meetings of the ASEAN-EU Senior Economic Officials Consultations (SEOM-EU);

2.2. Convene regular meetings of the ASEAN/EC Joint Cooperation Committee;

2.3. Implement the second phase of the ASEAN Programme for Regional Integration Support (APRIS II) as a key instrument for supporting ASEAN integration;

2.4. Continue dialogue and cooperation in the existing sectors under the Regional EC-ASEAN Dialogue Instrument (READI - the information society, energy, climate change, employment and social affairs, civil aviation). Expand READI as a key instrument for reinvigorating EU-ASEAN Relations by focussing on a modern policy agenda on issues of mutual interest, including support of ASEAN integration; and

2.5. Support the gathering and availability of reliable statistical data at regional level, in order for ASEAN to be able to assess its current evolution as an integrated economic region and support further integration measures.

Trade and Investment

2.6. Negotiate and conclude the ASEAN-EU FTA aiming at mutually beneficial FTA while taking into account the different levels of development and capacity of the individual ASEAN Member Countries to carry out comprehensive trade and investment liberalisation and facilitation;

2.7. Implement the existing Trans Regional EU-ASEAN Trade Initiative (TREATI) as a framework for promoting dialogue and cooperation on regulatory issues, to improve two-way trade and investment flows between the EC and ASEAN, i.e. to achieve practical improvements in EU-ASEAN trade through expert dialogues and seminars/workshops on priority sectors;

2.8. Continue the implementation of the TREATI as an important initiative to strengthen economic relations between ASEAN and the EU, including the ASEAN-EU FTA, and to support ASEAN economic integration. Work to expand existing cooperation under TREATI (sanitary and phyto-sanitary standards, product standards and technical barriers to trade, forestry and wood-based products, trade facilitation and cooperation on investment, EU economic integration, EU REACH chemicals);

2.9. Continue meetings of the Joint Committee established to develop the details of the modalities, work programme and time schedule for negotiating the ASEAN-EU FTA;

2.10. Consider appropriate measures aimed at promoting understanding of each others’ legislation and regulations on trade and investment, including anti-dumping, subsidies, tariff and non-tariff measures, such as sanitary and phyto-sanitary (SPS) and technical barriers to trade (TBT);

2.11. Build on the EC-ASEAN Intellectual Property Rights Programme as a means to contribute to the improved effectiveness of the ASEAN intellectual property system;

2.12. Make utmost use of the EC-ASEAN Standards, Quality and Conformity Assessment Programme to reduce technical barriers to trade by: Promoting and facilitating the development of standards and certification procedures in the various sectors which are aligned to international standards; Promoting and facilitating the adoption of international standards as the basis for technical regulation and conformity assessment procedures; Encouraging and facilitating cooperation between standards and conformity assessment bodies located in territories of both parties; and Promoting full transparency as regards sanitary and phytosanitary measures applicable to trade in accordance with the WTO Agreement.

2.13. Cooperate in the development of an improved customs clearance and transit regime in ASEAN by strengthening the capacity of the Customs Administrations and the ASEAN Secretariat; and

2.14. Enhance cooperation in the Sanitary and Phytosanitary field which would cover issues of mutual interests such as food safety, animal (including fishery) and plant health with the aim of enhancing the international competitiveness of the countries of ASEAN in these sectors, as well as strengthening the food safety, animal and plant heath standards in the region and regional integration.


2.15. Strengthen EU-ASEAN cooperation on civil aviation with the aim of promoting air travel between the two regions and to overcome the increasing demand for safety, security and economic efficiency.

3. Cooperation in the field of Energy Security, Climate Change/Environment and Minerals

Energy security

3.1. Promote energy security and multilateral measures to ensure stable, effective, open and competitive global energy markets, geared toward providing sustainable and affordable energy at all economic levels;

3.2. Cooperate closely in the promotion of energy saving, energy efficiency & conservation (EE&C) measures, energy efficiency technology and renewable energies; and

3.3. Build on the results of the EC-ASEAN Energy Facility Programme which served to stimulate regional energy projects and initiatives proposed by the energy industry, either public or private, from the EU and ASEAN.

Environment/Climate change

3.4. Hold consultations on environmental matters on a regular basis;

3.5. Enter a policy dialogue in order to work together with resolve and urgency to meet the interrelated goals of addressing climate change, reducing air pollution, adapting to and mitigating global warming and improving the global environment;

3.6. Strengthen cooperation with regional and international institutions on environment-related matters including chemicals and waste and promote sustainable development as a means of reducing negative aspects of development on the environment;

3.7. Strengthen cooperation between the EU and ASEAN with a view to achieving the ultimate objective of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change by mainstreaming climate change adaptation and mitigation measures and policies into sustainable development policy, as well as strengthen cooperation in the development, transfer and diffusion of technologies to raise the capacity of ASEAN countries to respond to climate changes;

3.8. Forge closer cooperation with a view to promoting the development, transfer and utilisation of climate-friendly energy and other technologies, managing forest resources, transboundary environmental pollution, desertification and illegal logging and its associated trade, accelerating actions to promote sustainable production and consumption, such as the 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) initiative as well as programmes of education for sustainable development, including sustainable development in metropolitan areas;

3.9. Actively participate in the implementation of the relevant international decisions aimed at promoting a more effective implementation of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol and paving the way for the negotiations on a global and comprehensive Post 2012 climate regime;

3.10. Strengthen cooperation in promoting biodiversity conservation and management to meet the UN Convention on Biodiversity target of significantly reducing the rate of biodiversity loss by 2010, inter alia by supporting the operations of the ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity;

3.11. Further explore international cooperation and financial resources availability to promote sustainable forest management, including through actions to address deforestation, illegal logging and associated trade, forest fires, unsustainable agriculture, unauthorised land clearance and environmental degradation, as well as cooperation with regional and international institutions to promote sustainable forest management. Create a more effective mechanism to monitor and evaluate the implementation of environmental programme in line with the UN Millennium Development Goal;

3.12. Strengthen cooperation in the conservation and protection of inland and coastal ecosystem, marine environment including coral reef preservation; and

3.13. Support ASEAN in implementing the Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAS) through technical assistance and capacity building.

Sustainable Development of Mineral Resources

3.14. Intensify cooperation in research and development as well as in the exchange of know-how and technology in the assessment of undiscovered mineral resources;

3.15. Promote a closer cooperation in the exchange of experience and best practices in mining and mineral processing;

3.16. Enhance institutional capacity building in mineral exploration and development through training courses, workshops, seminars and scholarship schemes; and

3.17. Enhance assistance in strengthening regulatory frameworks in the mineral sector particularly through the exchange of experiences and know-how.

4. Socio-Cultural Cooperation

Education and people-to-people contacts

4.1. Promote civil society exchanges and contacts by establishing links between organisations in the EU and ASEAN in accordance with the prevailing laws and regulations of the respective ASEAN and EU member countries. Possible areas of collaboration are (a) upgrading the standard of teaching (b) teaching and learning of languages, and (c) use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in education;

4.2. Endeavour to develop cooperation in the field of education, such as the flow of information on the Erasmus Mundus Programme and to support its implementation in ASEAN countries to strengthen the capacities of ASEAN University Network, possibly by envisaging the launch or renewal of specific windows of opportunities for students from ASEAN countries;

4.3. Encourage specific programmes of exchange between media in the EU and ASEAN;

4.4. Endeavour to encourage exchange programmes of cultural practitioners and administrators in the cultural heritage field;

4.5. Endeavour to support the activities of the ASEAN Foundation in strengthening the cooperation between the European Union and ASEAN especially in promoting people-to-people interaction and awareness between the two sides through initiatives on youth, education, culture, rural development, health and ICT; and

4.6. Encourage programmes aimed at exchange of young artists between Southeast Asia and Europe.

Public Health

4.7. Strengthen capacity building and enhance cooperation and technical assistance at the global and regional levels to prevent, control, and reduce the impact of communicable and infectious diseases, including HIV and AIDS, SARS, and avian influenza;

4.8. Promote sharing and exchange of information, know-how, experiences, and best practices in the area of public health including support in strengthening of warning system as well as support for information sharing infrastructure for early warning on outbreaks of infectious diseases of public health importance, taking into consideration the relevant provisions of the International Health Regulation (2005); and

4.9. Strengthen capacity building and cooperation and technical assistance at the global and regional levels to prevent, control and eradicate zoonotic animal diseases that pose risks to public health, including Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI), Bovine Spongiform Encephalitis (BSE) and Rabies.


4.10. Support the cross fertilisation ideas of learning and sharing of good practice examples in gender mainstreaming and women’s empowerment amongst ASEAN countries and between ASEAN and EU; and

4.11. Utilise relevant EU experiences in gender mainstreaming with a view to strengthen and build ASEAN capacity in promoting gender equality and women empowerment and in the research, collection and analysis of gender-disaggregated data through technical guidance, assistance and cooperation. The EU will continue providing technical expertise, and adequate human and financial resources and strengthen partnership and collaboration in promoting gender equality.

Disaster Management and Emergency Response

4.12. Forge closer cooperation and coordination on disaster risk reduction and management at the global and regional levels, including through the ARF;

4.13. In developing the concept of regional standby arrangements for disaster relief and emergency response, the EU will endeavour to improve information sharing with ASEAN on disaster management, including disaster relief related matters;

4.14. Support a national and regional network of information sharing and early warning systems for Tsunamis and other hazards, including through real-time information sharing, technical assistance, community preparedness, capacity building and public awareness campaigns;

4.15. Render assistance to accelerate the implementation of the ASEAN Agreement on Disaster Management and Emergency Response (AADMER), especially on risk identification, assessment and monitoring, prevention and mitigation, disaster preparedness, and risk reduction, emergency response, rehabilitation, and technical and research cooperation and consider support for the operationalisation of the ASEAN Coordinating Centre for Humanitarian Assistance on Disaster Management (AHA Centre); and

4.16. Increase ASEAN’s capacity in disaster risk reduction and management and emergency response including through education and exchange of know-how and technology transfer as mutually agreed, exchange of information on experiences and best practices among agencies involved, particularly through research and higher education, seminars, workshops, training schemes and exchange of visits.

Science and Technology

4.17. Strengthen the bi-regional dialogue in the field of research; in particular reinforce the policy dialogue highlighting fields of cooperation and instruments to put in place;

4.18. Widen the scope of cooperation to topics of mutual interest, in particular in the fields of biotechnology, meteorology and geophysics, space applications, infrastructure technology, marine science, materials science, information and communications technology, food, agriculture, health, energy, sustainable development and mobility of researchers to further enhance the economy and social well being of the community;

4.19. Engage into activities prompting a synergy of the cooperation at all levels (Community funding, national, and regional) and involving all actors for that R&D collaboration, including the public and private sectors, micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs), small and medium enterprises (SMEs), and joint ventures; and

4.20. Develop Science and Technology infrastructure and content for enabling research, human resource development, information-gathering, technology transfer, technology commercialisation and venture development.

5. Development Cooperation

5.1. Facilitate systematic policy dialogues with ASEAN partners to underpin implementation of new Multi-annual Indicative Programmes, MIPs, in ASEAN member countries, with the aim of ensuring coherence between national and regional activities;

5.2. In this context, and more specifically under such ASEAN initiatives as the Ha Noi Declaration and the VAP, EU Member States will strive to coordinate closely with the EC in the programming and delivery of development assistance in accordance with the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness; and

5.3. Support the Initiative for ASEAN Integration (IAI) as well as other sub-regional growth areas, such as Greater Mekong Sub-region Economic Cooperation (GMS), Indonesia-Malaysia-Thailand Growth Triangle (IMT-GT), Ayeyawady-Chao Phraya-Mekong Economic Cooperation Strategy (ACMECS), Brunei Darussalam-Indonesia-Malaysia-Philippines East ASEAN Growth Area (BIMP-EAGA) and Cambodia-Laos-Viet Nam (CLV) Development Triangle which would bridge the development gap within ASEAN.

6. Follow up Mechanism

6.1. ASEAN and the EU to make effort to implement in the short term, the indicative list of activities which appears in the ANNEX to this Plan of Action;

6.2. The ASEAN Secretariat and the EU to develop a schedule and timeframe for implementation of this PoA;

6.3. Conduct joint projects to advance the objectives of this PoA;

6.4. Explore how to ensure the necessary funding of activities; and

6.5. Review of this PoA will be made through an appropriate mechanism comprising ASEAN and EU senior officials on the basis of mutual consent.


Indicative List of Activities for the First Two Years of Implementation of the

Plan of Action to Implement the Nuremberg Declaration

on an ASEAN-EU Enhanced Partnership

1. Political and Security Cooperation

· Organise the 17th AEMM in Cambodia in 2009;

· Sign EU/EC’s accession to the TAC when ASEAN has completed the necessary legal procedures;

· Institution/capacity building in the field of regional cooperation, including training of ASEAN diplomats (Germany planned/ tbc);

· EU-Indonesia ARF-Workshop on ‘Confidence Building Measures and Preventive Diplomacy in Asia and Europe’ in Berlin/Germany in March 2008;

· An ARF seminar, co-chaired by Singapore and the EU, on energy security in Singapore in April 2008;

· ARF seminar on Anti-Personnel Landmines, in Kuala Lumpur, 2008;

· Organise an information visit of the ARF Unit to the Brussels EU institutions and of EU officials to the ASEAN Secretariat;

· Invite ASEAN officials to visit the EU institutions, with a specific focus on European Security and Defence Policy;

· Invite participation of ASEAN officials in orientation courses of the European Security and Defence College (ESDC); and

· Organise an ARF workshop on small arms and light weapons (SALW) in Cambodia in December 2007.

2. Economic Cooperation

· Implement the 2007 and 2008 work plan of APRIS II;

· Advance the ASEAN-EU FTA negotiations; organise five regional seminars/workshops under TREATI: liberalisation of services both horizontally and specifically in the financial and telecom sectors, technical barriers to trade, trade facilitation/customs, and economic integration;

· To assist in the negotiations of the ASEAN-EU FTA, the EU agreed to provide technical assistance and capacity building measures relating to trade;

· Design a programme to support the ASEAN’s Single Window strategy;

· Design a programme aiming to enhance the Economic Partnership between the EU and ASEAN;

· Design the successor programme on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) by focussing on Intellectual Property (IP) utilisation, administration of the IPR system, international cooperation, enforcement, dispute settlement, education and building awareness on IP;

· Engage in READI dialogue on Civil Aviation and design the successor programme to the ‘Civil Aviation in South East Asia’ by performing an identification mission in 2008; and

· Organise a workshop on Air Transport Economic Regulation in Brussels in December 2007.

3. Sectoral Cooperation

· Build on the first READI dialogues on Energy and Climate Change in 2007 by agreeing on the priorities for cooperation and the list of activities to be implemented.

4. Socio-Cultural Cooperation

· Organise a workshop for civil society organizations in the EU and South East Asia with the aim to establish links and to exchange views and best practices;

· Establish a bi-regional platform for a dialogue on S&T involving all stakeholders; and

· Build on the first READI dialogue on Employment in 2007 by agreeing on the priorities for cooperation and the list of activities to be implemented.

5. Development Cooperation

· Facilitate the organisation the first EC-ASEAN Member Country policy dialogues to underpin implementation of new MIPs.

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  22 November 2007

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