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[아세안] [2007 ASEAN 정상회의 결과] 제11차 일-ASEAN 정상회의 의장성명

외교부 > 남아시아대양주국 > 남아시아대양주지역협력과
  Chairman's Statement of the 11th ASEAN-Japan Summit

1. The 11th ASEAN-Japan Summit chaired by the H. E. Lee Hsien Loong, Prime Minister of the Republic of Singapore, was convened on 21 November 2007. The Heads of State/Government of the ASEAN Member Countries had a cordial and fruitful meeting with H.E. Yasuo Fukuda, Prime Minister of Japan.

2. We reiterated the importance of the longstanding friendship between ASEAN and Japan, and reaffirmed the importance of the ASEAN-Japan strategic partnership which has contributed to peace, stability and prosperity in the region and the world. We also noted that 2007 marked the 30th Anniversary of the Fukuda Doctrine, which enshrines Japan's policy of a "heart-to-heart" relationship with ASEAN on the basis of an equal partnership.

3. We noted with satisfaction the steady progress made in the Plan of Action to Implement the Declaration for the Dynamic and Enduring ASEAN-Japan Partnership in the New Millennium adopted in Tokyo in 2003 on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of ASEAN-Japan relations.

4. The ASEAN Leaders welcomed Japan's sustained contribution to ASEAN integration in order to realise the ASEAN Community, including the implementation of the Vientiane Action Programme (VAP). In this regard, the ASEAN Leaders expressed their appreciation for Japan's support for the ASEAN Charter and the implementation of the Charter. The ASEAN Leaders also welcomed Japan's intention to appoint an Ambassador in charge of ASEAN once the Charter comes into force.

5. The ASEAN Leaders also expressed their appreciation for Japan's continued support to narrow the development gap in ASEAN through the Initiative for ASEAN Integration (IAI), and its continued support for other sub-regional development endeavours, including CLV-Japan cooperation.

6. We have issued a Joint Statement welcoming the successful conclusion of the negotiations on the ASEAN-Japan Comprehensive Economic Partnership (AJCEP) Agreement. We noted with satisfaction that the AJCEP would include trade in goods, trade in services, investment and economic cooperation. We expressed our conviction that the AJCEP would strengthen the economic ties between ASEAN and Japan and would create a larger and more efficient market with greater opportunities in this region. We look forward to the signing of the Agreement early next year, and its speedy entry-into-force and implementation, which will provide a strong impetus for further invigoration of trade and investment in the region.

7. We affirmed our commitment in addressing major global and transboundary challenges such as climate change and the environment. The ASEAN Leaders expressed appreciation to Japan for introducing its proposed "Cool Earth 50"; its long-term global target to cut greenhouse gas emissions by half the current level by 2050. We welcomed Japan's commitment to promote cooperation with ASEAN to address environmental issues and its proposal for an ASEAN-Japan Dialogue on environmental cooperation.

8. We noted with concern the impact of rising oil prices on economic development, and highlighted the need for concrete cooperation between ASEAN and Japan in areas such as energy efficiency, and alternative energy including clean coal, renewable energy and biofuels, in which Japan had substantial expertise. In this regard, Indonesia proposed that Japan lead and develop tangible programmes in renewable energy.

9. We reiterated our deep commitment to strengthen cooperation in addressing the problem of avian influenza and other pandemic diseases. We noted with satisfaction that the regional stockpile of 500,000 courses of Tamiflu and 700,000 sets of personal protective equipment was ongoing as a project under Japan-ASEAN Integration Fund (JAIF). The ASEAN Leaders also welcomed Japan's contribution of an additional 500,000 courses of anti-viral medicine to the national stockpile of each ASEAN country.

10. We noted with satisfaction the ongoing cooperation and initiatives to combat terrorism under the ASEAN-Japan Counter Terrorism Dialogue. Japan expressed its support for deeper cooperation in areas such as border control and sharing of information on lost and stolen passports.

11. The ASEAN Leaders expressed their appreciation for Japan's contributions towards strengthening maritime security cooperation through capacity-building for ASEAN Member Countries, including the provision and sharing of modern equipment, ships, and training. In this regard, we welcomed Japan’s initiative on maritime safety, transport, environment and sustainable utilisation of sea-lanes, which includes financial assistance totalling US$300 million and capacity-building of 300 experts in the next 5 years.

12. We welcomed Japan's support in the area of disaster mitigation efforts in the region. In this regard, we looked forward to the early implementation of the 4 JAIF projects with the Asian Disaster Reduction Centre.

13. We noted with satisfaction the progress in youth exchange under such programmes as the "Japan East-Asia Network of Exchange for students and Youths" (JENESYS) Programme. We welcomed the visit of the first batch of ASEAN students to Japan in November 2007 under this Programme. We also noted the importance of the ASEAN Council of Japan Alumni in nurturing the friendship between ASEAN and Japan. In this regard, we welcomed Japan's proposal to invite middle school students to Japan and to offer scholarships to graduates, with a view to succeeding ties of friendship forged by the former students to Japan in ASEAN countries.

14. We welcomed the consensus on the text of amendments to the Agreement Establishing the ASEAN-Japan Centre as highlighted in the 4th Executive Report on the Progress of Implementation of the ASEAN-Japan Plan of Action.

15. We exchanged views on regional and international developments. We reaffirmed our views that the resolution of the issues concerning North Korea, including the nuclear issue and the missile issue, is a critical international objective, and emphasised our strong support for the Six-Party Talks. We welcomed the implementation of the "Initial Actions" and urged North Korea to fully implement the "Second-Phase Actions for the Implementation of the Joint Statement" and take concrete and effective steps towards the full implementation of the Joint Statement of 19 September 2005. We also urged North Korea to respond to the humanitarian concerns of the international community, including the abduction issue.

16. We noted with satisfaction the progress in East Asia cooperation. We reiterated the importance of advancing East Asia cooperation under the ASEAN Plus Three, EAS and other frameworks in a mutually complementary manner, with ASEAN as the driving force.

17. We agreed to the establishment of the Economic Research Institute of ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA), which will provide an intellectual foundation for exchange of ideas and recommendations to further regional integration and strengthen partnerships between ASEAN and Japan. We welcomed the progress report of the Track II study on a Comprehensive Economic Partnership in East Asia (CEPEA) and looked forward to its further developments.

18. We recalled the proposal by then-PM Shinzo Abe at the 10th ASEAN-Japan Summit in Cebu, the Philippines, to establish the ASEAN-Japan Eminent Persons Group (EPG), and looked forward to receiving the EPG report with concrete proposals at the next ASEAN-Japan Summit in Thailand in 2008.

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  21 November 2007

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