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제9차 한-UN 제주 국제군축비확산회의 개최 내용

외교부 > 국제기구국

2010.12.2-3, 한-UN 국제군축비확산회의가 제주에서 아래의 일정과 같이 개최되었습니다. 발제자료는  Session별 링크 페이지를 참고하시기 바랍니다. 
(회의 홈페이지 :  http://jejuprocess.tistory.com )


The 9th ROK-UN Joint Conference on 
Disarmament and Non-proliferation Issues
“Nuclear Renaissance and International Peace and Security”
 Jeju, Republic of Korea, 2-3 December 2010


o Programme of Work

o Participants List

o Rappoteur Report

o Opening Session

     -Opening Remarks  
      Ms. Hannelore Hoppe
      Director and Deputy to the High Representative for
      Disarmament Affairs
     -Welcoming Remarks 
      Amb.Hyun CHO
      Deputy Minister for Multilateral and Global Affairs
      Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, ROK 

 o Session 1 Global Nuclear Expansion : Challenges and 

     -Genenral Overview of Nuclear Renaissance and its 
       Impact  on Global Energy Framework
      Mr.Kazuaki MATSUI 
      Chair of  Nuclear Development Committee
      OECD Nuclear Energy Agency

       -Challenges and Opportunities for Global 
      Nuclear Expansion
       Mr.Tsutomu ARAI
      Director of International Nuclear Energy Cooperation 
      Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japan

      Dr.Bong-geun JUN
      Institute of Foreign Affairs and National Security
     -International Cooperation to Facilitate the Use of 
      Nuclear Energy
       Mr.Hun BAEK
       General Manager of Nuclear Policy Department
       Hydro and Nuclear Power Co. Ltd. 

o Session 2  Implications for Nuclear Non-Proliferation and 

     -Nuclear Enthusiasm : Risk Assessment and 
      Mitigation Strategy
       Mr.Mark HIBBS
       Senior Associate
       Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

       Dr.Sharon SQUASSONI
       Director and Senior Fellow
       Center for Strategic & International Studies 

       Dr.Djarot S. WISNUBROTO
       Deputy for Fuel Cycle Technology Development
       National Atomic Energy Agency, Indonesi

      -Prospect for a Proliferation-resistant Technology 

       Dr.Hodong KIM
       Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute

       Non-Proliferation and International Security Program 
       Manager, Los Alamos National Laboratory

     -The Role of the Civil Nuclear Industry in Minimizing 
       the Proliferation Risks
      Ms.Martine LETTS
      Deputy Director
      Lowy Institute for International Policy

 o Session 3   Enhancing Nuclear Security and Preventing 
     Nuclear Terrorism

  -Outcome of the 2010 Nuclear Security Summits and 
    Lessons Learned
      Ms.Laura HOLGATE
      Senior Director of WMD Terrorism and Threat Reduction
      National Security Council, USA

     -Germany's Perspective of Nuclear Security 
      Dr.Bernd RINNERT
      Federal Foreign Office, Germany

     -Enhancing Nuclear Security Architecture
      Mr.Haigang YIN 
      Deputy Director of Arms Control and Disarmament
      Ministry of Foreign Affairs, China

     -Cooperation and coordination with Relevant 
      International Organizations / Initiatives
      Amb.Bonnie JENKINS
      Coordinator for Cooperative Threat Reduction Programs
      US Department of State

      Amb.Claude HELLER
      Chair of the 1540 Committee
      Permanent Representative of to the UN

     -Preparation for Nuclear Security Summis 2012 and 
      Possible Deliverables
       Amb.Hyun CHO
       Deputy Minister for Multilateral and Global Affairs
       Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, ROK

 o Session 4 The Way Forward

     -Fulfilling Disarmament Obligations to Enhance 
      Nuclear Non-proliferation Architecture

       Amb.Carlo TREZZA 
       Chairman of UN Secretary-General’s Advisory Board on 
       Disarmament Matters

     -Civil Society's Perspective
      Dr.Charles FERGUSON 
      Federation of American Scientists

 o Closing Session

     -Closing Remarks 
      Ms. Hannelore Hoppe
      Director and Deputy to the High Representative for 
      Disarmament Affairs 
      Amb.Hyun CHO
      Deputy Minister for Multilateral and Global Affairs
      Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, ROK

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