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[덴마크] 입찰정보 2024-06


(정보제공 : 주덴마크대사관)

                               Bidding Report

                                                                                      (3 items)

입찰 프로젝트 명칭

(Project name)

Denmark – Construction work – North Sea I, A1, Offshore Wind Farm



공사 (Works)

EU 입찰번호

(Reference no.)




Danish Energy Agency


입찰 식별번호

(CPV no.)

45000000 Construction work, 31121320 Wind turbines, 31121330 Wind turbine generators, 31121340 Wind farm, 31160000 Parts of electric motors, generators and transformers, 31170000 Transformers, 31213400 Distribution system, 31300000 Insulated wire and cable, 45244000 Marine construction works, 45244100 Marine installations

입찰서류 작성언어

(Bidding document language)

영어 (English)


(Business location)

Copenhagen V

입찰 추정가 (Estimated value in DKK)

54,000,000 DKK

(VAT 제외 /exempt)



480 개월(months)

공고 게시일

(Announcement date)

23 Apr 2024


(Application deadline)

5 Dec 2024, 13:00현지시간 (Local time)

내 용 (Short description)

The political agreements that this procurement concerns are: - Climate Agreement from the 29 June 2018, - Climate Agreement from the 22 June 2020, - the Financial Act from the 4 December 2022, - Climate Agreement regarding green electricity and heat from the 25 June 2022, and - additional Agreement on the procurement details regarding 6 GW offshore wind and Energy Island Bornholm from May 30 2023. This procurement concerns the establishment of one (1) new large-scale offshore wind farm named "North Sea I, A1", pursuant to the directive 2014/23/EU on the award of concession contracts as implemented into Danish law by the executive order no. 1080 of 29 June 2022 on award of concession contracts. Please note that the name of the offshore wind farm can be changed by the DEA. Such change will not affect the geographical location of the offshore wind farm. The North Sea I, A1 will in the following be called “the offshore wind farm”. The Concessionaire is obliged to establish the offshore wind farm to be held in co-ownership with State Holding with the production capacity of electricity of at least 1 GW. State Holding is a company that will be established by the State of Denmark as a wholly owned public limited liability company (in Danish: “aktieselskab” or “A/S”) prior to the award signing of the Concession Agreement. State Holding shall purchase 20% of the Concessionaire at the end of the investment period (6 months after signing the Concession Agreement). State Holding will be a passive investor and a minority shareholder of the Concessionaire. The co-ownership is further described below in the section “Contract terms”. The offshore wind farm shall be established before 31 December 2030.

관련 페이지 (link)


입찰 프로젝트 명칭

(Project name)

Denmark – Construction work – North Sea I, A2, Offshore Wind Farm



공사 (Works)

EU 입찰번호

(Reference no.)




Danish Energy Agency


입찰 식별번호

(CPV no.)

45000000 Construction work, 31121320 Wind turbines, 31121330 Wind turbine generators, 31121340 Wind farm, 31160000 Parts of electric motors, generators and transformers, 31170000 Transformers, 31213400 Distribution system, 31300000 Insulated wire and cable, 45244000 Marine construction works, 45244100 Marine installations

입찰서류 작성언어

(Bidding document language)

영어 (English)


(Business location)

Copenhagen V

입찰 추정가 (Estimated value in DKK)

54,000,000 DKK

(VAT 제외 /exempt)



480 개월(months)

공고 게시일

(Announcement date)

23 Apr 2024


(Application deadline)

5 Dec 2024, 13:00현지시간 (Local time)

내 용 (Short description)

The political agreements that this procurement concerns are: - Climate Agreement from the 29 June 2018, - Climate Agreement from the 22 June 2020, - the Financial Act from the 4 December 2022, - Climate Agreement regarding green electricity and heat from the 25 June 2022, and - additional Agreement on the procurement details regarding 6 GW offshore wind and Energy Island Bornholm from May 30 2023. This procurement concerns the establishment of one (1) new large-scale offshore wind farm named "North Sea I, A2", pursuant to the directive 2014/23/EU on the award of concession contracts as implemented into Danish law by the executive order no. 1080 of 29 June 2022 on award of concession contracts. Please note that the name of the offshore wind farm can be changed by the DEA. Such change will not affect the geographical location of the offshore wind farm. The North Sea I, A2 will in the following be called “the offshore wind farm”. The Concessionaire is obliged to establish the offshore wind farm to be held in co-ownership with State Holding with the production capacity of electricity of at least 1 GW. State Holding is a company that will be established by the State of Denmark as a wholly owned public limited liability company (in Danish: “aktieselskab” or “A/S”) prior to the award signing of the Concession Agreement. State Holding shall purchase 20% of the Concessionaire at the end of the investment period (6 months after signing the Concession Agreement). State Holding will be a passive investor and a minority shareholder of the Concessionaire. The co-ownership is further described below in the section “Contract terms”. The offshore wind farm shall be established before 31 December 2030.

관련 페이지 (link)


입찰 프로젝트 명칭

(Project name)

Denmark – Construction work – North Sea I, A3, Offshore Wind Farm



공사 (Works)

EU 입찰번호

(Reference no.)




Danish Energy Agency


입찰 식별번호

(CPV no.)

45000000 Construction work, 31121320 Wind turbines, 31121330 Wind turbine generators, 31121340 Wind farm, 31160000 Parts of electric motors, generators and transformers, 31170000 Transformers, 31213400 Distribution system, 31300000 Insulated wire and cable, 45244000 Marine construction works, 45244100 Marine installations

입찰서류 작성언어

(Bidding document language)

영어 (English)


(Business location)

Copenhagen V

입찰 추정가 (Estimated value in DKK)

54,000,000 DKK

(VAT 제외 /exempt)



480 개월(months)

공고 게시일

(Announcement date)

23 Apr 2024


(Application deadline)

5 Dec 2024, 13:00현지시간 (Local time)

내 용 (Short description)

The political agreements that this procurement concerns are: - Climate Agreement from the 29 June 2018, - Climate Agreement from the 22 June 2020, - the Financial Act from the 4 December 2022, - Climate Agreement regarding green electricity and heat from the 25 June 2022, and - additional Agreement on the procurement details regarding 6 GW offshore wind and Energy Island Bornholm from May 30 2023. This procurement concerns the establishment of one (1) new large-scale offshore wind farm named "North Sea I, A3", pursuant to the directive 2014/23/EU on the award of concession contracts as implemented into Danish law by the executive order no. 1080 of 29 June 2022 on award of concession contracts. Please note that the name of the offshore wind farm can be changed by the DEA. Such change will not affect the geographical location of the offshore wind farm. The North Sea I, A3 will in the following be called “the offshore wind farm”. The Concessionaire is obliged to establish the offshore wind farm to be held in co-ownership with State Holding with the production capacity of electricity of at least 1 GW. State Holding is a company that will be established by the State of Denmark as a wholly owned public limited liability company (in Danish: “aktieselskab” or “A/S”) prior to the award signing of the Concession Agreement. State Holding shall purchase 20% of the Concessionaire at the end of the investment period (6 months after signing the Concession Agreement). State Holding will be a passive investor and a minority shareholder of the Concessionaire. The co-ownership is further described below in the section “Contract terms”. The offshore wind farm shall be established before 31 December 2030.

관련 페이지 (link)



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