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[홍콩] 입찰정보(2022-07)


(정보제공: 주홍콩대한민국총영사관)

홍콩지역 입찰정보 (2022-07)

1. 컴퓨터 센터 콘솔 시스템 업그레이드

 ㅇ입찰기구 : Hong Kong Monetary Authority

 ㅇ입찰번호 : -

 ㅇ입찰대상 : Upgrade Project for Computer Centre Console System

   *계약기간 : 2022.4~2022.11

 ㅇ입찰시한 : 2022.3.31(목), 12:00

 ㅇ입찰서류 : https://www.gld.gov.hk/egazette/pdf/20222607/egn20222607908.pdf

2. 유산 보존 센터 시공

 ㅇ입찰기구 : Director of Architectural Services (Acting)

 ㅇ입찰번호 : SS L514

 ㅇ입찰대상 : Construction of Heritage Conservation and Resource Centre

   *계약기간 : 2022.12~2025.11

 ㅇ입찰시한 : 2022.4.1(금), 12:00

 ㅇ입찰서류 : https://www.gld.gov.hk/egazette/pdf/20222607/egn20222607909.pdf

3. 유치원 교육센터 시공

 ㅇ입찰기구 : Director of Architectural Services (Acting)

 ㅇ입찰번호 : SS L507

 ㅇ입찰대상 : Construction of Kindergarten Education Centre at Fu Yee Road, Siu Sai Wan

   *계약기간 : 2022.8~2025.5

 ㅇ입찰시한 : 2022.4.1(금), 12:00

 ㅇ입찰서류 : https://www.gld.gov.hk/egazette/pdf/20222607/egn20222607910.pdf

4. 입법회 건물 확장 설계 및 시공(입찰시한 연장)

 ㅇ입찰기구 : Director of Architectural Services (Acting)

 ㅇ입찰번호 : SS L508

 ㅇ입찰대상 : Design and Construction of Expansion of the Legislative Council Complex

   *계약기간 : 2022년 2분기~2025년 4분기

 ㅇ입찰시한 : (당초)2022.2.18(금), 12:00→(변경)2022.2.25(금), 12:00

 ㅇ입찰서류 : https://www.gld.gov.hk/egazette/pdf/20222607/egn20222607911.pdf

5. PMQ 디자인 및 시공

 ㅇ입찰기구 : Director of Architectural Services (Acting)

 ㅇ입찰번호 : SS J506

 ㅇ입찰대상 : Design and Construction of Western Police Married Quarters

   *계약기간 :  2022.10~2026.8

 ㅇ입찰시한 : (당초)2022.2.25(금), 12:00→(변경)2022.3.18(금), 12:00

 ㅇ입찰서류 : https://www.gld.gov.hk/egazette/pdf/20222607/egn20222607912.pdf

6. 지하철역 보행자 도로 시공

 ㅇ입찰기구 : Director of Civil Engineering and Development

 ㅇ입찰번호 : ED/2021/01

 ㅇ입찰대상 : Elevated Landscaped Pedestrian Deck near MTR Kwun Tong Station

   *계약기간 : 2022년 상반기부터, 약 42개월

 ㅇ입찰시한 : 2022.4.8(금), 12:00

 ㅇ입찰서류 : https://www.gld.gov.hk/egazette/pdf/20222607/egn20222607914.pdf

7. 면역화학 시약 공급

 ㅇ입찰기구 : Commissioner of Correctional Services

 ㅇ입찰번호 : PTCSU0072021

 ㅇ입찰대상 : Supply of Immunochemistry Reagents to the Correctional Services Department

 ㅇ입찰시한 : 2022.3.31(목), 12:00

 ㅇ입찰서류 : https://www.gld.gov.hk/egazette/pdf/20222607/egn20222607915.pdf

8. 생양목 공급

 ㅇ입찰기구 : Commissioner of Correctional Services

 ㅇ입찰번호 : PTCSQ01121

 ㅇ입찰대상 : Supply of Unbleached Calico to the Correctional Services Department/ Quantity : Item 1_800,000

   *계약기간 : 18개월

 ㅇ입찰시한 : 2022.4.4(월), 12:00

 ㅇ입찰서류 : https://www.gld.gov.hk/egazette/pdf/20222607/egn20222607916.pdf

9.  백신 수입, 보관, 배송 및 물류 지원 서비스 제공

 ㅇ입찰기구 : Director of Health

 ㅇ입찰번호 : DH/ERP/MB/Q2021T/010

 ㅇ입찰대상 : Provision of Vaccine Import, Storage, Delivery and Logistic Support Services to the Department of Health/ Estimated Quantity : 24 months

 ㅇ입찰시한 : 2022.4.1(금), 12:00

 ㅇ입찰서류 : https://www.gld.gov.hk/egazette/pdf/20222607/egn20222607917.pdf

10.  디지털 방사선 및 방사선 정보 시스템 공급

 ㅇ입찰기구 : Director of Health

 ㅇ입찰번호 :  DHD080920

 ㅇ입찰대상 : Supply of Digital Radiography and Radiology Information System to the Department of Health/ Estimated Quantity : 1 lot

   *납품기한 : 계약일자로부터 9개월 이내 

 ㅇ입찰시한 : 2022.3.31(목), 12:00

 ㅇ입찰서류 : https://www.gld.gov.hk/egazette/pdf/20222607/egn2022260791

11. 승강기 종합 유지 및 보수

 ㅇ입찰기구 : Director of Electrical and Mechanical Services

 ㅇ입찰번호 : 2522EM21T

 ㅇ입찰대상 : Comprehensive Maintenance and Repair of Lift Installations at Various Premises of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

*계약기간 : 2022.9~2025.8

 ㅇ입찰시한 : 2022.4.1(금), 12:00

 ㅇ입찰서류 : https://www.gld.gov.hk/egazette/pdf/20222607/egn20222607919.pdf

12. 자동 차량 지원 시스템 유지관리

 ㅇ입찰기구 : Director of Electrical and Mechanical Services

 ㅇ입찰번호 : 1599EM21T

 ㅇ입찰대상 : Maintenance of Automatic Vehicle Clearance Support System of Cargo Selectivity Centre, Fanling Monitoring Centre, Heung Yuen Wai, Kwai Chung Customs House, Lok Ma Chau, Man Kam To, Sha Tau Kok and Shenzhen Bay Boundary Control Points

*계약기간 : 2022.5~2025.4

 ㅇ입찰시한 : 2022.4.1(금), 12:00

 ㅇ입찰서류 : https://www.gld.gov.hk/egazette/pdf/20222607/egn20222607920.pdf

13. 개인 컴퓨터 및 모니터 공급

 ㅇ입찰기구 : Director of Government Logistics

 ㅇ입찰번호 :  A370842021

 ㅇ입찰대상 : Supply of personal computers and monitors to the Hong Kong Police Force

*납품기한 : 발주일로부터 16주 이내 

 ㅇ입찰시한 : 2022.4.1(금), 12:00

 ㅇ입찰서류 : https://www.gld.gov.hk/egazette/pdf/20222607/egn20222607923.pdf

14. 국소용 장제 공급 

 ㅇ입찰기구 : Director of Government Logistics

 ㅇ입찰번호 : A4100752021

 ㅇ입찰대상 : Supply of topical preparations containing calcipotriol and betamethasone dipropionate to the Department of Health/ Item 1_34,100 tubes, Item 2_8,130 tubes

*계약기간 : 36개월

 ㅇ입찰시한 : 2022.4.7(목), 12:00

 ㅇ입찰서류 :  https://www.gld.gov.hk/egazette/pdf/20222607/egn20222607923.pdf

15. 무인 비행기구 및 부품 공급 및 설치

 ㅇ입찰기구 : Director of Housing

 ㅇ입찰번호 : HTQ20220050

 ㅇ입찰대상 : Supply and Installation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle with Accessories for the Hong Kong Housing Authority/ Estimated Quantity : 2 items

 ㅇ입찰시한 : 2022.3.11(금), 10:00

 ㅇ입찰서류 : https://www.gld.gov.hk/egazette/pdf/20222607/egn20222607925.pdf


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