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[홍콩] 입찰정보(2022-06)


​(정보제공: 주홍콩대한민국총영사관)

홍콩지역 입찰정보 (2022-06) 

1. 메달 및 메달 보관함 공급 

 ㅇ입찰기구 : Director of Administration

 ㅇ입찰번호 : DAU/2/2021/T

 ㅇ입찰대상 : Supply of Medals, Presentation Cases and Medal Holders to the Protocol Division Government Secretariat

 ㅇ입찰시한 : 2022.3.24(목), 12:00

 ㅇ입찰서류 : https://www.gld.gov.hk/egazette/pdf/20222606/egn20222606818.pdf

2. 마을 부둣가 재건축 

 ㅇ입찰기구 : Director of Civil Engineering and Development

 ㅇ입찰번호 : CV/2022/03

 ㅇ입찰대상 : Reconstruction of Leung Shuen Wan Pier, Sham Chung Pier and Sam Mun Tsai Village Pier

   *계약기간 : 2022.8부터, 약 35개월

 ㅇ입찰시한 : 2022.3.25(금), 12:00

 ㅇ입찰서류 : https://www.gld.gov.hk/egazette/pdf/20222606/egn20222606819.pdf

3. 타크롤리무스 연고 공급 

 ㅇ입찰기구 : Director of Health

 ㅇ입찰번호 : DHD050921

 ㅇ입찰대상 : Supply of Tacrolimus Ointment to the Department of Health/ Quantity : Item 1_1,870 tubes and Item 2_2,660 tubes

    *계약기간 : 36개월

 ㅇ입찰시한 : 2022.3.24(목), 12:00

 ㅇ입찰서류 : https://www.gld.gov.hk/egazette/pdf/20222606/egn20222606821.pdf

4. 소방시설 정비 및 증축

 ㅇ입찰기구 : Director of Electrical and Mechanical Services

 ㅇ입찰번호 : 1738EM21T

 ㅇ입찰대상 : Maintenance and Repair of, Alterations and Additions to Fire Service Installations for Health Services Buildings in Kowloon Region

    *계약기간 : 2022.10~2025.9

 ㅇ입찰시한 : 2022.3.25(금), 12:00

 ㅇ입찰서류 : https://www.gld.gov.hk/egazette/pdf/20222606/egn20222606822.pdf

5. 보안 및 전자 시스템 유지관리

 ㅇ입찰기구 : Director of Electrical and Mechanical Services

 ㅇ입찰번호 : 2574EM21T

 ㅇ입찰대상 : Maintenance of Security and Electronics Systems at Various Venues for the Government of Correctional Services Department, Immigration Department and Custom and Excises Department

    *계약기간 : 2022.8~2026.7

 ㅇ입찰시한 : 2022.3.25(금), 12:00

 ㅇ입찰서류 : https://www.gld.gov.hk/egazette/pdf/20222606/egn20222606823.pdf

6. 데이터 수집시스템 공급 및 설치(입찰시한 연장)

 ㅇ입찰기구 : Director of Electrical and Mechanical Services

 ㅇ입찰번호 : 2679EM21W

 ㅇ입찰대상 : Supply and Installation of Data Acquisition Systems of Free-flow Tolling System and Associated Modification Works for Existing E&M Systems Affected by Toll Plaza Modification in Six Tunnels

    *계약기간 : 2022.6~2026.5

 ㅇ입찰시한 : (당초)2022.2.18(금), 12:00→(변경)2022.3.4(금), 12:00

 ㅇ입찰서류 : https://www.gld.gov.hk/egazette/pdf/20222606/egn20222606824.pdf

7. 긴급의료용 오토바이 공급

 ㅇ입찰기구 : Director of Electrical and Mechanical Services

 ㅇ입찰번호 : EMSSSD1121

 ㅇ입찰대상 : Supply of Emergency Medical Assistant Motorcycles to the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department/ Quantity : 19 Units

   *납품기한 : 발주일로부터 12주 이내 

 ㅇ입찰시한 : 2022.3.24(목), 12:00

 ㅇ입찰서류 : https://www.gld.gov.hk/egazette/pdf/20222606/egn20222606825.pdf

8. 봉투 제작 서비스 제공

 ㅇ입찰기구 : Director of Government Logistics

 ㅇ입찰번호 : A0600672021

 ㅇ입찰대상 : Provision of envelope-making services to the Government Logistics Department/ Quantity : Groups A to D

    *계약기간 : 24개월

 ㅇ입찰시한 : 2022.3.10(목), 12:00 

 ㅇ입찰서류 : https://www.gld.gov.hk/egazette/pdf/20222606/egn20222606828.pdf

9. 데이터 베이스 운영 관련 전문 서비스 제공

 ㅇ입찰기구 : Director of Housing

 ㅇ입찰번호 : HAQ20220025

 ㅇ입찰대상 : Provision of Professional Support Services for the Oracle Exadata Database Machines of the Hong Kong Housing Authority

 ㅇ입찰시한 : 2022.3.11(금), 10:00

 ㅇ입찰서류 : https://www.gld.gov.hk/egazette/pdf/20222606/egn20222606829.pdf

10. 폴리텐 쓰레기 봉투 공급

 ㅇ입찰기구 : Director of Housing

 ㅇ입찰번호 : HAQ20220016

 ㅇ입찰대상 : Supply of Polythene Garbage Bags with Recycled Content for the Hong Kong Housing Authority/ Estimated Quantity : 2 items

    *계약기간 : 12개월

 ㅇ입찰시한 : 2022.3.11(금), 10:00

 ㅇ입찰서류 : https://www.gld.gov.hk/egazette/pdf/20222606/egn20222606833.pdf

11. 모빌랙 및 관련 서비스 제공

 ㅇ입찰기구 : Director of Accounting Services

 ㅇ입찰번호 : TRY/AB/1/2022

 ㅇ입찰대상 : Supply of Mobile Racks and Provision of Related Services

 ㅇ입찰시한 : 2022.3.28(월), 12:00

 ㅇ입찰서류 : https://www.gld.gov.hk/egazette/pdf/20222606/egn20222606834.pdf


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