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Question about the PKO

2001-10-01 00:00:00
To whom it may cocern.

How are you, sir or madam ?

I am a Korean student who is now participating in
the internship program of the Pearson
Peacekeeping Centre(PPC) in Canada. I am a senior
at Kyungpook National University.
I think I have met some of your officer at the
7th Model UN conference at June. They might
remember me. I remember officer Jung, Chan-woon
and Lee Chung-myun.
At the model UN coferernce, I took the agenda
related to small arms.

Since I arrived here, I have been wondering if
there is any Korean governmental division that is
responsible for the PKO or PKF, I just met some
Korean militia comanders who participated in the
courses provided by the PPC.

Is there any division relating to PKO in the
Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade?
If there is any division, I just want to contact
with them, and ask some questions.
만족도 조사 열람하신 정보에 대해 만족하십니까?