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중동정세 관련 안보리 브리핑 공식회의(9.27) 발언문 (황준국 대사)

주 유엔 대표부

Statement by H.E. Ambassador Joonkook Hwang   

Permanent Representative of the Republic of Korea

Security Council Briefing, “MEPQ (Palestine)”

New York, 27 September 2024 (PM)                               


Thank you, Madam President.

I would like to thank Secretary-General for his insightful briefing.


As my delegation reiterated at this week’s Security Council briefing on Lebanon, we are deeply troubled by the heightened hostilities across the Blue Line. Today’s large-scale strikes in Beirut have further deepened the gravity of our concern.


All actors in the region must de-escalate and seriously consider the possible catastrophe at the end of this dangerous cycle of violence. Maximum restraint is still the best option.


Amid the unprecedented escalation in Lebanon and Israel, we remain extremely concerned by the ongoing humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza, as well as surging violence and instability in the West Bank, including strengthened movement restrictions for Palestinians.


We are, and should be, still hopeful for the release of all hostages and an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, as well as an urgent de-escalation in Lebanon.


In this regard, we fully support all diplomatic efforts by key regional and global stakeholders, including the recent US-France led initiative on securing an immediate 21 day ceasefire across the Lebanon-Israel border. We call on both sides to accept this without delay.


On the other hand, we are dismayed that, according to last week’s media reports, quoting high-level officials, the deal for Gaza mediated by US, Qatar and Egypt, may not be reached for months.


We assume that the direct parties have many political and military considerations in the negotiating process. However, the humanitarian suffering of both Palestinian civilians and Israeli hostages in Gaza permits no time to calculate such equations.


As humanitarian suffering deepens, in Gaza and the West Bank, the foundation of long-term peace will further deteriorate and break down, with multi-generational resentment and anger.


Thus, a swift ceasefire is essential not only to relieve the current humanitarian suffering, but also to establish the conditions requisite for durable peace and stability in the Middle East.


Madam President,

The current conflict in Gaza has a disproportionate impact on children, with a total shut-down of education throughout Gaza. However, even in this dark reality, we are witnessing a glimmer of hope for the future of these children, through the selfless devotion of humanitarian workers. 


We applaud efforts led by UNRWA to establish temporary learning sites for more than 30,000 children. But it is painfully clear that additional efforts are greatly needed to restore, at least partially, the destroyed education system in Gaza, where 85% of school buildings have been damaged and more than 625,000 students have been out of class since October 7th.


Education is not only a fundamental human right enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, but also a crucial base to construct a brighter future and to cut the multi-generational inheritance of resentment and mistrust both in Palestine and in Israel.


In this connection, we urge Israel to stop all strikes on schools. International humanitarian law must be upheld everywhere and at all times, and all parties must comply with their obligations.


Children and schools must be protected for the sake of Gaza’s future, and for long-term peace in the Middle East and beyond.


Madam President,

Yesterday’s informal interactive dialogue between this Council and the Arab League provided a timely opportunity to listen to the sincere ideas and common vision of the Arab League.


We appeal to all players in the region, including Israel and non-State actors, to pay heed to these strong calls from their neighbors. The region is tip-toeing towards even hotter flames, but there is still time to turn back and extinguish these fires through reinvigorated diplomacy and implementation of relevant Security Council resolutions.


I thank you, Madam President.
